vampatori's page

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SuperBidi wrote:
Instead of scaling encounters down, I encourage you to scale the PCs up. 2 levels make up

This is such a simple elegant solution! If it gets us most of the way there that's great, we can then tweak the encounters accordingly as we get a feel for it.

I see there's even a table showing the starting gold/items for higher level players.


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Merry Christmas!

My first steps into Pathfinder start today as I received the Beginners Box and Core Rulebook. As a "mostly forever DM" I am VERY much looking forward to it - after having spent so much time with D&D, the Pathfinder rules are beautiful.

I have a player that's looking to play an Alchemist, they're really taken by the class. However they've read online and are concerned about their effectiveness.

A lot of those issues seem to be "not as good as class X at doing Y". However in a party of two (other class likely to be a Ranger, but not known yet) I can see how being OK at a lot of things and not great at much could actually be very useful.

But at the same time, the Alchemist seems like a bit of a force multiplier and therefore with a smaller party wouldn't benefit as much from that side of their kit - and if they're not pulling their weight things are going to get tricky.

Is this destined for disaster, or might it actually pan out?

We've decided that, as it's our first step into Pathfinder from 5E, that we won't be doing any homebrewing - not least because a not insignificant part of why we're switching to Pathfinder is so I don't have to spend so much time balancing things.

Any thoughts from you more experienced Pathfinders welcome!

I'm running a campaign for two players and so need to adjust the encounters down - the formula are great and so it's a straight-forward process, but it's still a process that needs to be manually done and can require some intervention (e.g. dropping something to weak, replacing something with a lower level equivalent).

I'd love something where you put in the encounter, have the number of players set, and it'll output an adjusted version. Is there a tool available that does this for you, perhaps giving you a few options if it's not simply 'halve the mobs'?