somehow my players (5 players - lvl3) allied with kobolds(sootscale) and a worg gang(once a random encounter).
for backround: my sweet party afraid of staglord and his bandits to death. after their first defence at oleg's they killed all in thorn camp. so they thought this powerful man want revenge.
and staglords bandits attack oleg's(this was not in the book but he had to : ). partys priority was staglord but he sits and waits to be butcheredin his castle). they defend the outpost second time. and now they decided to go offensive because they believe they can't stand a third attack.
now they'll attack the fort with their new friends. worgs and kobolds agreed to involve when party open the Staglord Fort(SLF) gates.
3 worgs(with 10 wolfs?) and kobold tribe(20 kobolds? or more?) behind them they'll be much strong than staglord & his crew...
i have to power up staglord. and whole combat. (after 2 defeats at oleg's he could call all bandits to a final attack).
i don't know mass combat rules. and i'm not sure if it's going to be a 'real' mass combat.
what you think? if it's a mass combat, how many bandits balance staglord's forces?
or any other suggestions?