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Too many people overlook the power of smaller forms. They sneak, spy, and move silently and unseen and birds have amazing speed.

Dont forget ou arent an animal and RP some. Pick things up, use tools and items, use skills the form excels at. Most larger forms are land bound in most peoples minds but remember eagles fly, and you are strong enough to pick up weapons, alchemy supplies, and may be eventually a small enemy.

Snakes make good battlefield control with Venom, or by grappling someone and constricting for damage. Some snakes are aquatic.

Monkey forms can wear armor and use weapons, small monkeys have prehensile tail, apes make dangerous animal companions when THEY have a few pieces of gear and Armor Training. And Nobody thinks twice when a Kampuchean Monkey starts rifling through your alchemists bag throwing things at your party. Its just a dumb animal.

Fish make excellent spies, and are hard to follow and impossible to track when escaping

Cats can get anywhere and most will even invite you inside if you RP right, and have nightvision and stealth. Dogs have scent making them excellent for tracking, or guarding camp while everyone rests. You get wild shape back when you wake up. So sleep as a Natural Guard animal when ou have charges left.

I guess i think the Damage Forms get all the press but I think with a bit if thought and RP the druid becomes m=a far greater force multiplier.

Especiall when you take Natural Spell and drop small form and cast without drawing attention to the cat freaking out over by the bushes as all heckness is breaking loose.

The Advanced Rogue Talent Weapon Snatch specifically uses Sleight of Hand for Disarms. I don't see one for items but that's what Combat Steal and Agile Maneuvers are designed for.

Rules expressly state Sleight of Hand doesn't work if y9u are notices. Once initiative is rolled its a Combat Maneuver.

A couple factors to consider. The rules may be unclear but they should not be "Interpereted" in any official capacity except by some form pf direct Piazo Authority. Any "Interpretations" are technically 3pp housewife otherwise.

However I also see people applying "Bound" aside it held some form of mechanical significance where,assisted elsewhere,there is no mechanical term of BOUNDin Pathfinder, so it cannot, by rules,equal or not anything in the rules.

The Factor as matters here Iys OP question of Pinned (denies Dex BONUS only) VS the more serious Helpless( denies dex entirely) conditions.

You can Sneak Attack Pinned,but can only CDG Helpless,and the text does list Binding as a descriptive method of attaining Helpless.

And to remind people even further of the time it takes, round 2 you Pin maybe ,sure,but CDG is still a full round action thar provokes an AoO. Your target gets to attempt to avoid grapple, break outin rounds 1 and 2,then again as you ATTEMPTyo CDG round 3.

If you cannot get out in 3 consecutive rounds, can't get help, it's likely ecause things aren't going well for yourfriends either.

Most combats end in 3 rounds. Take my grappler out of the fight to kill 1 enemy? How is that OP?

Better ways to grapple than a flashy CDG

If we have time and referring to a noncombat encounter where Sudden blindness, Spawn of Cthulu, or terrified villagers may be a little more of a distraction than was hoped for we have more options.

We are adventurers here and there are many Wiley ways to give things... Get a man a drink.. costs a few coppers, the Face Gets info, The Bard Carouses, Everyone gets Downtime then after Stage 2-3 of intoxication kill they will save... Pop the Gift

Let's not forget that, as Players, we have minds too and there are tons of ways of getting advantages statistically with Alchemy to droop a Roofie in hid Next Mead or whatnot. just because we HAVER spells doesn't mean we need to USE them. And if we know what we can do Non-magically We can add that in. Penalties stack regardless of Source.

Hit him with a Diplomacy to change his attitude, buy him a couple of friendly drinks, Bard Schmoozes (If Applicable), Charm Person when you get next round as you Roofie him, "Excuse Yourself" and in return when he's not observing, cast Beguiling Gift and offer.

Note in my mind I'm also taking care to cast from behind things and at a distance when possible so the target isn't "AS Likely" to notice spellcasting.

The primary effect of Slam is not in the least superficial but rather quite important regarding Damage Reduction.
Slam is general for any Natural Bludgeoning attack
Claws are slashinng, and Bites are normally considered all three vs DR. Dont let the generalizations stop you from looking at the other forms of damage as well.
Any Physical damage is 1 of the three and it can matter a lot.

In my game I keep it simple. I remove the component cost for effects that duplicate 8th level spells and under. 25,000 for an Invisibility spell or the like cause you have a wish you havent used but need a much lower power spell you don't currently have access to is too much by far.

So duplicating spell effects 8th and below free just like the divine casters. Now if you want to never breathe again, grow wings permanently, increase a stat or the like, or to really test the GMs patience with something grander. 25,000 seems fine.

Just saying "Its a god granting the spell and a wizard isnt a god" doesnt quite cut it when either can cast a spell of 9th level which the game designers have stated clearly that they believe Wish and Miracle are THAT power level without divine intervention. The priest draws power from the outer planes, the mage from his own force of will, but they can , in EVERY SINGLE OTHER CASE, perform the same feats of magic at the same levels. There is no reason arcanes should get such a massive penalty to what can otherwise be a very handy spell.

either case. Reasonable power , reasonable cost. Major power, Major cost. Simple.

The big deal here is where a melee and a rogue consistently team up in order to maximise the number of sneak attacks applicapble. In my sessions the rogue kills 3/4 of all opponents by himself as the fighter and the rogue both reposition and refuse to allow the opponent out of the trap. If it moves morre than 5 feet it provokes an attack of opportinity for both rogue and fighter and next turn both are in position again.

Two weapon fighters are meatgrinders as both main and offhand weapons get sneak attacks. Do the math

Say a 5th level Rogue two weapon fighter with Rapier and shortsword. lets leave out magical and strength bonuses. Pure damage

Rapier 1d6+ 3d6 = 4-24 damage per round alone
Shortsword also 4-24 damage per round

Total is 8-48 damage per round. Rogue had max 24 Hit points base at this point.

Now lets look at an opponent... say a fighter

5th level Longsword. Same bonuses. 1d8 damage per round. 2d8 with 2 weapon fighting. Fighter has max 40 hp base.

So fighter gets flanked and they attack each other both get max madage. The rogue has 24 - 16= 8 Hp left after round 1

The fighter has 40- 48 = -8 and bleeding to death.

Yup rogues are sooo underwhelming when u add the figures.

by 11th level the rogue is doing 72 damage per round or up to 144 damage with available two weapon feats, but dont forget , who has a 11th level rogue with non-magical weapons. Lets not forget Elemental damages for an additional 1-6 per attack and then the likely strength bonuses and weapon plusses .

A rogue at any level can kill any opponent his size in one round with sneak attacks and flanking is a simple team maneover, or at least a fighter regardless.

I hear (READ) ppl all the time saying how rogues are underpowered. You must be running them wrong if you arent getting the basic damage listed above. Im against munchkinism and letting rogues have unlimited xd6 attacks for free is overpowered. Only the monk can tryly outdamage a rogue after the first couple rooms of a dungeon.