
valeren's page

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None that I know of. PF stuff are hard to come by, much less a PFS.

NG used to carry PF stuff. I now get my PF stuff either online or from SG for our gaming group. If anyone knows otherwise, do let us know.

So, what exactly can a group use in order to start their own Pathfinder campaign that really interacts with the PF world?

My group seems to be missing that aspect of the RPG. The games have been about exploring here and there but nothing really sticks out in the game world (political or religious story, for example) that makes the game really feel "Golarion"-like.

Any help...?

am i reading the 'in the works' article right that there are only 4 races and 6 classes (with the 5th class as the battlemind') in phb3?

Thanks! I'll take those into consideration. One of the players though suggest simply increasing the levels of the characters by 1 per lacking player. (Thus, for a game for four 5th level characters, three charaters of 6th level should suffice). What do you guys think? Is that balance for the players/safe for the game?

Again, Thanks.


Sharoth wrote:

Several options exist.

1. Alter the adventure.
2. Have an NPC that sticks to the sidelines. Bard or something similar for example.
3. Have the PCs play more than one character.
4. Go Gelestalt. That is where one character has two classes.
5. Have the PCs take leadership and have companions.
6. Have one of the PCs play a Druid. They have an animal companion that kicks some serios tail!

Good luck!

Hi Guys,

Was just wondering. Most of the published adventures assume that there are four members in one's adventuring party. There are times wherein we have less than four players during our game. Which do you normally adjust - the adventure's level or the character levels? If so, how do you guys do such adjustments?



Aberzombie wrote:

I read that the last issue will have an index of the magazine's entire run, from #1 all the way to #150. Also, there will be a gatefold cover by Wayne Reynolds.

The only thing I'm not crazy about is that it contains an Eberron adventure. Maybe I'm just being crazy, but I feel that Eberron (being the "new kid on the block" so to speak) doesn't really deserve that kind of honor. It should have been an FR adventure. But what the hell, at least we get 2 (for all intents and purposes) Greyhawk adventures.

Have you read "Chimes at Midnight"? Better read up on it then get back to us. ;)

Can't wait for the sequel!

Just read the current issue's editorial. Two months! Can't Wait!

Ummm... I might have missed it but when exactly is Quoth the Raven coming out?

Nicolas Logue wrote:

That should about do it! Hope this is helpful!

WOW!! Thanks Mr. Logue! I'm sure it's going to be very helpful. :D

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good day! This one goes out to Mr. Nicolas Logue.

Hi Nicolas, I read in another forum that the published version of Chains of Blackmaw is the cut version - that it's about two thirds of the original adventure. I was wondering if the other third is available.

Am currently running the adventure and any additional information would be great!

Hope to hear from you.



I did notice something though. If one was to place Cauldron in the area of Calimport, the Lake of Steam or Chult, wouldn't that make the natives of Cauldron of Cala$hite decent? However, based on the artwork and equipment found in the adventure, I would assume they would be of Chondathan majority. So wouldn't it be logical to place them in a region where the Chondathans are the primary population; like somewhere in the North Central area?