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klyons99 wrote:

Hey! I was at the show the previous night (Madison, Wisconsin) and the opening band was playing Magic on the pool table before the show.

Long live Nerdcore.

MadHatter from Scrub Club was there last night as well , rapping about Excite Bike and Spyhunter, heck of a nice guy! Didn't seem all that much of a PNP player, but man he's got the 8bit world covered.

Frontalot's bass player "Black Lotus" was there taking all comers for games of Magic. He trounced several people before heading up on stage to put on quite an impressive performance.

It was actually like some mini con there, heck of a way to spend a Sun night.

He (madhatter) has been writing his own tabletop RPG actually :) There's a song off of Sinister Six's album called "Roll The Dice" that would be particularly pertinent to the D20 slingers. Oh and all the music he puts out is free too. yay :D its like the SRD of nerd music. heh.

Zombieneighbours wrote:
klyons99 wrote:

Not only did I get MC Frontalot, King of Nerdcore, to sign one of my Pathfinder Character Sheets at a show last night, but he was nice enough to take a few moments for a brief RPG chat with a few of us. And no, we didn't go all fanboi and talk about our characters ;)

He knew the Pathfinder brand, though I don't know if he's actually played. Still, good job promoting the brand Paizo! Even rappers know the name.

That is more than just a little bit awesome, but i'd be really impressed if you go alpinekat, MC chris, and Mc Hawkins too.

Bonus Points for Kate Tempest and Scrubius Pip

I knowKrondor Krew loves pathfinder. Some peeps on Scrub Club Records love pathfinder as well. :)

You won't be getting anything from mr MC Hawking (since he's retired IIRC) Alpinekat reminds me a lot of Funky49 (woo, science rap!)

Hooray for nerdy music!

I'm playing a Lore Oracle in my latest campaign (really looking forward to it) And I've gone with using Bless, and have Bulls Strength as my Level 2 (we're starting at level 4). Since my Oracle has a 14 strength it actually shouldn't suck too much. Though I'm debating switching one spell for Cause Fear.

c873788 wrote:

So as a GM, do you roll in front or behind the screen and why? Also, do you think it makes a difference if it's a pathfinder society game as opposed to your regular campaign?

If it was PFS i'd (personally) want it all out in the open.

In my own home games, I roll it all behind the screen.

I just want control if things spiral badly for one side of the other. Story trumps dice in all cases there.

I've been debating adding an Optional rule to allow players to "buy" skill based feats via Skill points.

I.e. Every even numbered level a player can spend 3 of her skill points to buy 1 skill feat.

This keeps players from gaining too many feats and has an adequate cost comparitive. (i.e. 3 skill ranks for a Skill Focus = an even trade from levels 1-9)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I don't see a problem with underpowered feats as long as it has some in-game effect the player sees some use out of.

If you're interested in running an optimal party, sure, sit with them and help them make _good_ characters. But even a haphazardly thrown together character full of flavor/story choice feats can be helpful in a group.