untestedmethods |
Quote:Hey! I was at the show the previous night (Madison, Wisconsin) and the opening band was playing Magic on the pool table before the show.
Long live Nerdcore.
MadHatter from Scrub Club was there last night as well , rapping about Excite Bike and Spyhunter, heck of a nice guy! Didn't seem all that much of a PNP player, but man he's got the 8bit world covered.
Frontalot's bass player "Black Lotus" was there taking all comers for games of Magic. He trounced several people before heading up on stage to put on quite an impressive performance.
It was actually like some mini con there, heck of a way to spend a Sun night.
He (madhatter) has been writing his own tabletop RPG actually :) There's a song off of Sinister Six's album called "Roll The Dice" that would be particularly pertinent to the D20 slingers. Oh and all the music he puts out is free too. yay :D its like the SRD of nerd music. heh.