unicornv |
For there is strength in numbers. Unite against WotC! ...
...I don't want 'online content'! I want a real magazine! I want a magazine published by the talented people at Paizo! Not some online crap. I want to have a magazine that I can take with me when I go somewhere! GIVE PAIZO THEIR LISCENSE BACK!!!!! Whos with me!?!!?!
So, what are you actually proposing? Boycotting WOTC is a good start but boycots are rarely effective and considering some of the "product" that WOTC has been trying to pimp, its obvious they are running out of ideas to make money.
What I think is we need a group of people who want to try and create a new dungeon magazine. It can be done with all the online gaming tools out there and even the basic online gaming rules are just fine for creating dungeons.
What we need is about 20-50 people that want to donate time and energy to put together a product. It might not be anywhere near as good as what Paizo puts out but it will seriously damage anything WOTC puts out especially if its put out BY players FOR players...