undrhil's page

Organized Play Member. 19 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Lantern Lodge

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I was reading through Ultimate Magic and I realized that the Synthesist archetype for the Summoner class appears to be Ben 10. When he calls him Eidelon, that's him activating his Omnitrix (or Ultimatrix, depending on the Eidelon he's currently employing.) But that leads me to my question: Can the Eideolon be completely rebuilt when the Summoner levels up or are there restrictions on removing Evolution points, etc?

For instance, let's say I have Ben at level 1 with Humongousaur as his Eidelon. At level 2, he adds Bonus STR. At level 3, he adds Reach. At level 4, can he dump reach and Bonus STR in order to get Extra Limbs (Arms) and another Slam attack (to start using Four-arms) or is he stuck with Humongousaur?

Other ideas for Eidelons to work with the Ben 10 idea:

A quadrapedal pincer with some kind of lightning powers. (Brainstorm)
A biped grabber with Claws and a Slam attack. (Wrath)
A amphibian with a bite attack and some kind of lightning powers. (Lockjaw)

Anyone wanna try to work with this? I'm still new to the system, but it looks like it would work. And the Synthesist Summoner is key because the Eidelon "envelopes" the Summoner. Based on the description, it's more like Ben Ten-thousand's "Ultimate Ben 10" form but I don't see why I couldn't fluff it so the Eidelon appears completely solid while being used....

Lantern Lodge

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I also find it telling that the OP did not want to GM Pathfinder originally, but was apparently shoehorned into doing so. If you aren't happy GMing the system, don't. Tell them that you want to GM GURPS or 4e or AD&D, whatever system you like. They can either play that system or one of them can GM Pathfinder and let you play a character.

Lantern Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

If not everyone is having fun, talk to the two players and ask them to tone down their characters. Let them know that it's great that they want their time to shine, but so do the other people playing at the table.

I hate it when (in LFR) I get someone at the table who just massacres everything in round 1 and the DM calls the combat. I want to do stuff too, dang it! I don't care that the combat was finished in that first round. That sucks and isn't fun for anyone except the one PC who did all the damage dealing.