Galguth Shund

unclefes's page

RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter, 7 Season Star Voter, 9 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 13 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


GM Lamplighter wrote:
Basically, PFS characters can't play any other game.

Gotcha, thanks. I am lobbying my holdouts even as we speak.

Ok that seems pretty straightforward - thanks BigNorseWolf and Pirate Rob! BNW, I think I will try at first to follow your idea, of getting everyone to conform to PFS rules regardless of whether they actually play as a PFS character.

The long subject heading says most of it. First, I am a longtime Pathfinder DM but have wanted to start DMing PFS for while now. I have a large, regular gaming crew, and can usually field an (online) table of 6-8. However, one 1-2 have indicated they want to play PFS. So my question: If I used PFS scenarios, is it legal to have PFS and non-PFS players in the same session, so long as I maintain the appropriate tracking paperwork for those who are PFS players?

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Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
Did Silverhair's instructions work for you Unclefes?

They did indeed - thanks again Silverhair!

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Beautiful. Thanks Silverhair2008! Mr. Pett, this looks supremely cool. Can't wait to see the whole thing.

Have any delays been noted on delivery of the email link? I've gone through the ordering process twice now for the preview pdf and all I'm getting is the eerie silence of the grave.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Jeff Harris 982 wrote:
Noose of Derangement Devouring

Appreciate the candid criticism! Thanks much Jeff.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

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Trekkie90909 wrote:
This would make a great basis for a monster, although I’m not thrilled with the ‘consume and cast spells’ bit. It’s a bit niche for an item...

Very much appreciate the feedback! Thanks.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

would love to hear any thoughts you might have about my

Noose of Derangement Devouring:

Noose of Derangement Devouring
Aura strong enchantment; CL 9th
Slot neck; Price 187,200 gp; Weight 1/4 lb.

A cord woven of disturbingly sinew-like fibers, the noose is 18 inches long and embroidered with tiny sigils and runes in red, amber and gray. When draped about the neck and touched while whispering the command word, the noose coils around the wearer’s throat and its magic manifests.

I Hear Voices: The wearer can detect thoughts at will (DC 15), at double normal spell range (120’). The thoughts of those affected by insanity, afflicted by madness, that have prepared mind-affecting spells or that have mind-affecting spell-like abilities are detected as a swift action rather than a standard action.

Eat Insanity: Upon a successful touch attack, the wearer can “eat” the insanity of any creature affected by insanity or suffering from a madness-type affliction and render them sane (as heal). A similarly successful touch attack against a spellcaster or monster can eat one prepared mind-affecting spell (normal touch attack bonuses, no save for spells at or below 4th level; spells above 4th level gain a Will save to negate) or spell-like ability from the caster. The targeted caster is also staggered for 1d4 rounds (DC 16 Fortitude save negates).

The wearer converts whatever she eats into spell power and, for each instance in which the wearer has eaten, she can cast either (a) the same spell or ability that was eaten, or (b) possession (DC 19). All effects disappear if the noose is deactivated, and any unused spell power is lost. Spell power may be held indefinitely so long as the noose remains active.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dream feast, detect thoughts, possession; Cost 93,600 gp

And please be as critical as you see fit.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Here's mine: flawed, but my best yet. Problems include: (a) "a noose? Around MY neck?" (b) I have no idea how to properly price things, and (c) used an Occult Adventures spell in construction (by design, if it matters - thought it was in the PRD and didn't bother to check). I welcome your critiques.

Noose of Derangement Devouring
Aura Strong Enchantment; CL 9th
Slot Neck; Price 187,200 gp; Weight 1/4 lb.
A cord woven of disturbingly sinew-like fibers, the noose is 18 inches long and embroidered with tiny sigils and runes in red, amber and gray. When draped about the neck and touched while whispering the command word, the noose coils around the wearer’s throat and its magic manifests.

I Hear Voices: The wearer can detect thoughts at will (DC 15), at double normal spell range (120’). The thoughts of those affected by insanity, afflicted by madness, that have prepared mind-affecting spells or that have mind-affecting spell-like abilities are detected as a swift action rather than a standard action.

Eat Insanity: Upon a successful touch attack, the wearer can “eat” the insanity of any creature affected by insanity or suffering from a madness-type affliction and render them sane (as heal). A similarly successful touch attack against a spellcaster or monster can eat one prepared mind-affecting spell (normal touch attack bonuses, no save for spells at or below 4th level; spells above 4th level gain a Will save to negate) or spell-like ability from the caster. The targeted caster is also staggered for 1d4 rounds (DC 16 Fortitude save negates).

The wearer converts whatever she eats into spell power and, for each instance in which the wearer has eaten, she can cast either (a) the same spell or ability that was eaten, or (b) possession (DC 19). All effects disappear if the noose is deactivated, and any unused spell power is lost. Spell power may be held indefinitely so long as the noose remains active.

Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dream feast, detect thoughts, possession; Cost 93,600 gp

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

Gotta be honest: when I learned that I was probably out in the first cull, I was pissed off. I've submitted the last 4-5 years, never got anywhere BUT this year I put together what I thought was a really solid entry - it had it's issues but it was definitely and easily my best submission to date. Got culled because Occult Adventures isn't in the PRD :) But reading this thread lends me both perspective and encouragement. EDIT: realize that I wasn't culled but DQ'd, most likely. Statements still stand.

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 9

I regret *specifically* making an item that used Occult Adventures material and collaterally targeted a coming AP, in order to make it relevant to future material and assuming that Paizo's latest book would be part of the PRD without actually checking that it was. I worked diligently, got good peer review and advice, was template-perfect, and this year's submission was easily my best ever - only to be almost certainly ganked in the first cull. I'll be frank: it was damn disheartening.

Looking to put my players through a "caper" style adventure as part of a larger story arc, something where they'd have to plan and execute a Ocean's 11 type of operation. Any good adventures out there for that? Any Pathfinder or 3PP game system considered.