
ubertripp's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 86 posts (2,315 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character. 9 aliases.

I had pre-orfered, it was in my side cart for a few days, and when I tried to ship it now, it disappeared. There was some trouble setting up a new payment method, but that all seems cleared up, but now there is nothing in my side cart. What should I do?

The place to argue about rules (or, if you're Ian, to redesign them).

Hi Guys:

We'll be using this thread for our exploration of the downtime rules. If we get some traction, have some fun, etc, we'll keep it going.

Let's get a show of hands of who still wants to do this.

So, I've just finished Skinsaw and thought about going through with some new characters.
I was interested in playing that adventure with some characters I hadn't played before, but didn't want to run them all the way through Perils and Burnt Offerings.

Is there any plan to make (or do they already exist) Suggested Deck Lists for characters above "start level"? They would need "Suggested Feat Choices", too obviously.

This might be a good online resource and generate content from fans.

The Elemental bloodline arcana and the wizard evocation school power allow spells to have their energy type changed (e.g. fireball to "acid ball")

Are there other ways to do this outside of these class choices? Are there feats, racial options, etc for instance, that give this ability?

I note that cross-blooding would allow it, with a drawback.

Am I missing a feat somewhere?

Situation: an ally stands in a hallway, between you and an enemy, and adjacent to the enemy's square. The only way to reach the enemy is through your ally.

Can you Bull rush the enemy?

BULL RUSH rules state:
"You can make a bull rush as a standard action or as part of a charge, in place of [a] melee attack...If your attack fails, your movement ends in front of the target."

For comparison, the OVERRUN rules state:
"As a standard action, taken during your move or as part of a charge, you can attempt to overrun your target, moving through its square....If your overrun attempt fails, you stop in the space directly in front of the opponent, or the nearest open space in front of the creature if there are other creatures occupying that space."

This wording seems to indicate that a Bull Rush may not be done through an ally (since you can't charge through an ally), but that an Overrun may (since you may move through an ally and do the Overrun as part of that move).

1. Am I interpreting this correctly?

2. What would be the reason that one would work differently from the other? [Something to do with the AoO's provoked by Greater Bull Rush, maybe?]

I'm leaning towards a house rule that makes Bull Rush read like Overrun in the two relevant sentences, but wanted to get feedback first.

Hi all:

I'm converting Fiend's Embrace (by Stephen S. Greer in Dungeon 121) to Golarion for my group. I'm planning to set the event in the Frostmire Fen and the town of Dyinglight.

Are there any products (other than the Campaign Setting book itself) that details these locations? Couldn't find any, but wanted to double-check.


Hi all:

I’ve been reading this board for about a year and a half, and the info has proved very helpful for me as a DM. So I’d like to start by thanking everyone for their great ideas and thoughts.

While I’m running the SCAP pretty much “by the book”, my work on foreshadowing and NPC development has been influenced by many on these boards.

We just finished “Zenith Trajectory” with 5PCs, now all at level 9. As I’ve started to foreshadow some aspects of the “Test of the Smoking Eye”, I’ve had a growing sense that the chapter is out of place. Obviously, similar feedback has been posted here by others.

So, I’m wondering what to do about it.
On the one hand, much of the babbling by Zenith Splintershield and Alek Tercival re: the Sign of the Smoking Eye leads nicely to Occipitus and the Test.
On the other hand, once we learn all this stuff about Adimarchus and someone gains the template, we don’t seem to need it again until chapter 12.

I was thinking about moving the “Test” all the way back to after “Strike on Shatterhorn”.

The chapters would then read like this, starting at 5:

Demonskar Legacy
Secret of the Soul Pillars
Lords of Oblivion
Foundation of Flame
Thirteen Cages
Strike on Shatterhorn
Test of the Smoking Eye

While I’d have to significantly rework the CRs and ELs in “Test of the Smoking Eye” to adjust for the higher level characters, it would have the benefit of making the search for, and destruction of, Adimarchus a multi-chapter outer plane quest-o-rama.
The party would also have a hook for this as Smoking Eye Vhalantru comes back to hunt them from Occipitus. The PCs have to go there to defeat him anyway.

I’d like some feedback on this idea. Except for the obvious XP considerations, what are some problems that might arise? Are there things that are gained during this adventure that will be needed from “Secrets” through to “Strike”? If so, what are they?
Is there a better chapter order than what I’ve suggested? What are some other opportunities presented by this?

Any feedback would be helpful.