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Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 12 Organized Play characters.


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The PFS Druid 12/fighter 1I have at level does pretty good damage.
Sargassum fiend from bestiary 3 does 2d8 with grab (at a cmb bonus of 8 instead of 4), 1.5 strength damage constrict (or at least the base monster's constrict damage has a extra 3 damage), and counts as huge for its grab ability (then can get one higher via feats)
The cmb on the character is 37 with just the things I can recall off the top of my head (probably actually several higher).

The snapping turtle line of feats plus, rapid grappler, lets you grapple/constrict on their turn if your AC is high (wild stone plate plus buffs) then on your turn you can spend a full round potentially dealing (all at the same cmb) 12d8 plus 3x static and 3x1.5 static damage or pin plus 10d8 plus 2xstatic and 3x1.5 static damage.

Easily pinned a enemy and did mid to high 100 damage on one of the seeker mods.
Have to get around it being aquatic though (breath air, life bubble, something like that).

Might have to weather heavy damage from the thing you are grappling if you did not get it via snapping turtle clutch though. They then have a round to go all out on you when cmb roll that got them grappled was in the 50+ range (figuring its better to just try to drop you).

Mid 150s is probably not crazy high at that level if compared to extremes min/max players (e.g. Dual wielding falcata crit build), but it is rather fun to play.

I think that as long as there are enough scenarios across the entire spectrum of character levels then the issue of replay would not a huge point of contention.
I would guess what many people probably fear at a gut level (or at least I do) is getting stuck in a spot where they have a new/alt/alt's alt/alt's cousin's alt character that cannot play/advance because they have run out of un-played appropriate scenarios.
Or... having a group get together and, because of overlap, no single scenario on hand could be legally played by all of the players who came to play.
That said, in a practical world there can only be a finite number of scenarios and having someone in the party doing a second play-through without skill at keeping player/character knowledge separate can unbalance/spoil the play. I suppose that making re-plays the rare exception rather than the rule, and making sure that those that do are able to keep their mouths shut/mindset in that of the character might be acceptable. As far as what to do for the player that has a character that has no scenarios to get exp in I don't have a great answer. Allowing people to get exp on second play-through would probably be abused. Might just be SOL for a while.