tristen_e's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.


cool, thanks submit2me, i was hoping that were the case! for obvious reasons (mwahahahaaa!)

also: paraxis, streamofthesky is absolutely correct.

thank you all!


my archer has just attained his first trick shot (at level 3). for better or worse he's taken "disarm".

i'm a bit confused as to what, if any, weapon bonus(es) for a bow are applicable to the disarm attempt.

i read in the faq about weapons finesse - it says there that weapon bonuses apply (at least for melee weapons.)

but it's not clear to me whether this is applicable to the special case of the fighter/archer and, if so, whether it includes masterwork or enchantment bonuses.

and help on this one would be appreciated!


goodo! thank you (and sorry i didn't read that in the faq).


I have an Archer and, as he approaches attaining "Trick Shot" I've started wondering about the validity of the CMB.

"At 3rd level, an archer can choose one of the following combat maneuvers or actions: disarm, feint, or sunder. He can perform this action with a bow against any target within 30 feet, with a –4 penalty to his CMB. Every four levels beyond 3rd, he may choose an additional trick shot to learn. These maneuvers use up arrows as normal."

Why does the guide specify using CMB? CMB is based upon strength in melee combat - as opposed to the dexterity necessary to the archer's specialised ranged combat. Is this possibly a mistake or perhaps an oversight?

Agile Maneuvers leaps out as a solution to the problem...but that strikes me more as an "expensive" work-around...

Any advice is appreciated!
