
toxycycline's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Star Voter. 63 posts (66 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.

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This came up on our Slumbering Tsar campaign. Here's the lowdown.

During a fight in a large barrow mound three characters got affected by insanity. One of the three characters fell into a deep chasm immediately after being affected and is dead and unrecoverable by the party. The two that survived are being restrained by the others as they seek a cure. Problem is, insanity is rather hard to cure. No one has the ability to cure them.

So they discover there is a being that dwells at the crossroads of Tsar that grants wishes, but has a tendency to twist them to the detriment of the wisher. So they visit this being and make the following wish to heal their friends and get their lost companion back.

"We wish for the full restoration and return to us of our companions X, Y, and Z with all of their possessions and gear with them, completely healed and restored to their normal minds and spirits unfettered by curse, magic, or wound."

As you can see, they tried to be pretty thorough. How would you twist this wish?

At the end of our Second Darkness game I'll be running CotCT. We're wanting to try the APG version of the Hero Point system from the system we currently use. I'm worried that the change might be too confusing for some of my players if we used the APG points system side by side with the Harrow Points given out in CotCT.

I'm especially worried about the more casual gamers at my table who don't even bother to learn what their spells and abilities do. Springing two different additional points systems on them may bring the game to a screeching halt.

How did those of you who played/GMed Crimson Throne like the Harrow points? Good? Bad? Confusing?

Is there some way of combining the two while retaining the flavor of Harrowing at the start of each module?

Right now I'm leaning towards scrapping the Harrow Points and just doing the Hero Points. I'll just keep the Harrowings in as flavor. Any thoughts?

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Hey all,

I'm going to be running CotCT sometime in the future and I can't help but wonder...

has anyone had Gaedren Lamm survive first contact with the PC's?

To me it seems a bit of a waste to provide a tragic background for each character as a means to introduce a bunch of complete strangers to one another, only to have it all resolved within the first session. After that, there seems to be little holding the group together besides a little metagaming.

I'm thinking that keeping Lamm around as a possible reoccurring bad guy will let me stir the passion of the PC's when I need to keep my players focused on the game. Otherwise I can see my players asking themselves "why is my character not fleeing the city like any rational person would?" when the crap hits the fan in Korvosa.

So how about it? Has anyone had Lamm play a more prominent role in the Adventure Path besides getting squished like a bug in the first couple sessions?