
toportime's page

Organized Play Member. 16 posts (17 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 1 Organized Play character.

I love Pathfinder and have been involved with a weekly game for roughly the last 12 months or so with no end in sight. The AP/Adventure I am running does not really matter, the crux of the point is as follows:

I have a player in my weekly game that has a very extreme phobia of spiders.. and I know I can literally just swap out creatures for an equal CR.. but I feel doing that can ruin the encounter.

Spider encounters typically are put in so players can deal with mobility issues (web) or poison issues (duh.. spider), or even "it keeps getting to high in the webs for me to hit!!!"

Having said that, I am just looking for reasonable replacements for spiders I can use on the fly to maintain the intent of the encounter without completely having to re-balance every spider encounter I see in printed materials (I am a semi lazy DM that loves Adventure Paths and Modules but am finally branching out to make my own as well).

Anything I create I can just not put spiders in easy peasy at design.. any help is appreciated.

TL;DR My player has arachnophobia that I do not wish to abuse, keeping the difficulties of poisons, webs, or climbing creatures, I am looking for advice on what creatures I can swap spiders for on the fly.