
tkpope's page

Organized Play Member. 50 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Adventure Deck 3: Tempest Rising arrived yesterday - yay!

The two promos (Goblin Pegleg & Blessing of Zogmugot) did not arrive - :(
Please send in next shipment.

There once was a magus named Seltyiel
Who combined magic with cold hard steel
While Lem would beguile
Bad guys for a while
He preferred to make the henchmen squeal

I write bad poetry and even worse drawings in a feature I call Stick Person Poetry on Facebook. The above was yesterday's poem. Below is the URL to the poem and drawing:

Poem and Drawing

2 people marked this as a favorite.

...is a big High Five for Tanis and her crew!
Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Scenario 0-0A: On the Horizon PDF
I can't wait to show this to the local landlubbers.

This order was broken up into two shipments. The part that shipped Friday, September 19 is the one that has been delivered, but not to me.


This shows the tracking ends as follows:
30 Sep 2014 02:43 Package processed by Post Office ANAHEIM, CA

However, when I check the USPS Delivery Confirmation Number 92748999920364122680003713, it shows as delivered in Fountain Valley
https://tools.usps.com/go/TrackConfirmAction?qtc_tLabels1=92748999920364122 680003713

It is wonderful that my package has been to more places than I have in the past two weeks, but it is sad that the package was delivered to a place over 200 miles away. :( Most frustrating is that it was at the Post Office only two miles away last Saturday. Somehow, the goblins at the local Post Office thought that the package was needed in the Valley of Fountains more than in my grubby little hands.

I would really like to get the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Skull & Shackles Character Add-On Deck as soon as possible. What should I do? Should I purchase again and wait for a credit when this wrongly delivered package is sorted out?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Have you played each character? If so, who do you like to play the most and/or the least?

Flavor and ability wise, Lem is my favorite. His ability to pull spells from the discard pile makes him a top performer. His ability to sing/perform to help his teammates if fun to role play. :)

So far, Seelah has been the least fun to play. It's great that she can add to ANY check, but the cost is quite high. Unless she's playing with a healer, she's almost as squishy as Seoni without the high damage output. For somebody wearing plate armor, that doesn't make a lot of sense.

Regardless of most or least, I am thoroughly enjoying this game. It's a lot of fun to play in a group, but it's nice that you can play solo too!

I have the official player mats, and they're great. However, I haven't quite figured out how to keep track of each characters stats and use the mats to their fullest potential. Previously, I used an unofficial mat found over at BGG.
This mat had a place to keep the draw, discard and buried piles as well as have the stats available on the front. The back of the mat had a place to record each character's deck.

Now that I have the official player mats, I want to use a card sized character card/sheet, without marking up the original. Clear sleeves and grease pencils don't seem to do the job for me. I've resorted to taking the official Paizo character sheets and cutting out the important info (Skills, Powers, Cards), and folding it in half. It's slightly smaller than the original character cards, but it works.

I'm wondering if somebody has a better solution.

It's the best one I've received this year!