Darl Quethos

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Organized Play Member. 132 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.

Scarab Sages

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Ok, so I have a sticky situation and I would love some advice as to how to handle this:

We have a very interesting character in the campaign: a warforged Druid/Mage named BD-09. His background:

"A relic from the ancient Thassilonian empire, the malfunctioning botanical drone BD-09 spent thousands of years awake but immobile and exposed to the elements, where his subroutines degraded and restructured, rewriting themselves into a personality. Having only been recently excavated, he imprinted on the man that rescued him from his peaceful solitude, only to lose him several years ago during a spree of murders that haunted the town of Sandpoint. Since then, BD-09 has spent his days as the groundskeeper for the Turandorak Academy, adapting to life as a sentient creature."

He is slowly gaining access to corrupted data banks as he levels up, and remembers parts of his original history (so he doesn't know much about the runelords, etc). His personality is rather clueless with regards to social norms and he's quite literal. His sin is Pride, in the sense that he believes he was designed to be superior to most organic units. He's part plant, part ceramic, part flesh, part insect.

Here is his profile page (with pic)

Full pic - notice his chest

As you can see, he has the sihedron rune emblazoned on his chest... He has been a curiosity in the town that most know about. He also collected the books from Thistletop, including a book on Lamashtu. During our downtime, he's been openly reading this book in public. See awkwardness in comic form

Ok, so going into the Skinsaw Murders... He has been chosen by the Skinsaw Man as the object of his obsession (Envy) since the Skinsaw Man noticed the Sihedron Rune on his chest and BD-09 is "immortal".

So when Hemlock approaches the party...

  • he has 3 dead men in his garrison with the rune on their chest
  • a new murder at the lumbermill with the rune
  • a note to BD-09 saying, "We have spoken of this before, my master. Now it begins. Join the Pack and it will end."
  • BD-09 with the rune on his chest, curious history,
  • and BLATANT occult interest recently.

Ugh. I could arrest BD-09 but I don't want him to sit out the session. What do?

Scarab Sages

Hello everyone,

I've started my Ravenloft/Pathfinder (Mistfinder) D&D campaign and we are a few sessions in already, but if you follow us, you'll be up to speed in no time.

We are proceeding through the Carrion Crown adventure path, with a major focus on character development and story.

We have set up a campaign wiki at:


...which has information about the Characters, including backgrounds, journals, personality profiles, and even character sheets! We are using d20Pro (www.d20pro.com) to run combat and exploration, and it's working wonderfully.

I plan on posting updates to our campaign on Google Plus, as well as here. For the next couple of weeks, I'll be highlighting areas of our campaign, such as the Player Characters, backgrounds, handouts, and session recaps.

Add us to your Circles to keep up with the campaign news.

Our Google Plus Page: Carrion Crown (Ravenloft) on Google Plus

Scarab Sages

Player Handouts - Stained Glass Windows & Notes
Since these play such an important role in the symbolism, are described in great detail, and are clues to the overall story, I decided to render these out. Keep in mind that they use copyrighted art - these are just for personal use and I hope that I modified them enough to arguably create a new work. Don't sue!


Hambley Farm
This is the simple farmstead where the party has a big fight. This map actually steals 2 maps from some old ones I found on the web a long time ago (the barn and the house interior). I did not map those! If they are yours, please let me know, since I have long since forgotten where I got them, and would like to give credit.

Cornfield 1
Cornfield 2
Cornfield 3
Cornfield 4
Just some basic cornfields (nighttime). Really basic.

Scarab Sages

Nualia was likewise a bit strange for me. A fighter/cleric? She didn't have much fighting experience, and Lamashtu's cult-like following, rituals, and Pacts - it just screams Warlock to me. Besides, 4E clerics are slinging radiant damage everywhere... I dunno. I kind of like the idea of her being a Controller with Warlock or maybe even Warlock/Cleric templates - just using necrotic damage instead of radiant.


Anyways, the images in the adventure were just not cutting it for me. I found some from an MMO called Shaiyla (sp?) that were excellent. The Light and Dark goddesses in that world are twins, so it fits perfectly for the same character that went "dark."

Nualia - Level 6 Elite Controller (Warlock Template?)

Scarab Sages

I've recently begun a hobby of converting old 1st edition adventures into a format that we an enjoy with virtual tabletop programs (I use d20pro). This mostly involves re-creating the maps into color jpgs and converting the module's monsters.

Well, I've been much more interested in the maps, and have begun creating high-resolution maps that can only be described by me as Art - at least, I have the same kind of "lost in the work for hours" feeling as when I paint.

One of my favorite Dungeon modules of all time, the Ghost of Mistmoor (issue #35) has been begging me to be converted to 3.5 and re-mapped. I finally did this and have posted all of the adventure's maps, plus the unmapped Vault, nighttime versions of the maps, and player handouts/visuals on my website. I tried to remain as faithful to the written descriptions in the module as possible, trying to bring a visual element to the already stellar writing.

I would appreciate any feedback from my peers, and hope that these maps are enjoyed by the Dungeon Community.

The Ghost of Mistmoor: Redux