timmypaddins's page

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I am currently building a 7th level Ranger with Craft Wonderous Item. He wants to make a <insert item type>, which has the following 1st level ranger spells added to it, each of which has 1 charge per day, usage based on a Command Word (they could be any of the spells, I am just choosing these for now):

Feather Step
Iron Beard
Resist Energy

They are all 1st level spells. I understand that a Ranger's caster level is current level - 3, right, so he would have a caster level of 4.

As an aside, is the Ranger REQUIRED to make items as CL 4? Or can he chose to make them at a lower CL to limit the cost of the item? I am assuming he can right now, and the below calculations would change is he can't.

So, as far as I can tell, the costs would be as follows:

Feather Step = CL 1 = Base Price: 360
Glide = CL 1 = Base Price: 360
Iron Beard = CL 2 = Base Price: 720
Jump = CL 1 = Base Price: 360
Resist Energy = CL 1 = Base Price: 360

I am assuming they would count as "different", so am multiplying the lower costs by 1.5, giving:

Feather Step = CL 1 = Base Price: 540
Glide = CL 1 = Base Price: 540
Iron Beard = CL 2 = Base Price: 720
Jump = CL 1 = Base Price: 540
Resist Energy = CL 1 = Base Price: 540

Giving a total of 2880gp. With no item slot, this would be 5760gp market price.

To make this would be 2880gp, but if restricted by class or alignment, it would come down to 2016gp.

Can anyone see a problem with this logic?

As I was rereading this, would the charges correspond to the item as a whole, rather than the individual spells? I am thinking it would, in which case, the above could be split into 5 separate, slotless items, for actually LESS money, of 1512gp, as one would not need to pay the 50% increase for the different powers, right?



So I want to have a "Ring of Intensified Shocking Grasp" made for me, that can be used AT WILL.

Looking at "Table 15-29: Estimating Magic Item Gold Piece Value" in the Core book on page 550, it is not wholly clear how to construct an AT WILL item, at least the term AT WILL is never used as far as I can tell.

I THINK construction would be:

Command Word: Spell Level 2 x Caster Level 10 x 1,800gp = 36,000gp

Reading the rest of the table, I think that such an item would have 5 charges per day. I think this because under the "Special" section of the table is says:

Charges per day - Divide by (5 divided by charges by day)

So with 5 charges (5 / 5 = 1), the cost would be multiplied by 1. Fewer charges would reduce the price, more charges would increase the price.

OR, does making the item a Command Word item mean it has unlimited charges in the first place? This would seem wrong given the very existence of the Charges per day line.

In which case, how does one make an item such as Hand of the Mage which allows the use of Mage Hand AT WILL?

Does one use the "Use-activated or continuous" price line?



A few questions:

So my Diviner just picked up a Staff of Heaven & Earth. Wizards can cast Gust of Wind and Stone Shape, so according to the Spell Trigger rules, if I understand the right, I would be able to cast these spells, but not the other three spells, those being Air walk, Control winds and Spike stones, as these can only be cast by Clerics or Druids. Is that right??? If so, I will be encouraging the party to sell the staff because that rule makes it crap for me.

Would I be able to cast the other three spells using the skill Use Magic Device?

I like making items that are only usable by Good aligned characters, as I am a good character, and that just seems to make sense for good characters to do this. In which case the cost to craft reduces by 30%, which is a bonus. Does this mean that NO neutral or evil character can use the device? At any time? For any reason? Or does it just mean that they can get around it by using the skill Use Magic Device?

Also how does this combine with the type of item crafted. A sword, for example. How can you restrict the +3 nature of the sword to only be usable by a certain class or alignment, or does this restriction not impact “passive” / “ever present” / “non-triggerable” functions of an item. So can weapon and armour bonuses simply not be restricted in this way? But what about the bonus from a Belt of Strength?

I have seen threads like this one - http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?185391-Pathfinder-reducing-th e-cost-of-item-creation - where it appears on the face of it that someone has achieved truly ludicrous amounts of discount, but only because they are clearly cheating. Matamane says he is using Extraordinary Artisan, with a whole load of other things, but seems to miss the fact that Extraordinary Artisan clearly states that its discount cannot be combined with any other (belm).

So it seems to me that the best discount one can achieve is around 35% OFF, i.e.: a trait like Hedge Magician and then restricting the item to a specific class of alignment.

Are there any other legitimate non-cheating ways to reduce cost?

The most MASSIVE benefit of staves is that they use the casters on level for all aspects of the spells stored within. It is MASSIVE because all other items use the minimum stat requirements for the spells they cast, which is a real bastard. I created a Bracelet of Fireballs, which allowed the user to cast 5 Fireballs per day, thinking the DC would be set at my own, which with 28 INT (due to investing all stat bonuses and a +6 headband), made the DC for my Fireballs to be fearsomely high. Sadly post creation I read to the end of the crafting of items and the DC for the item plummeted. Ho hum. I still get 5 free Fireballs a day.

Is there anyway (house-rules may be acceptable?) to improve these non-Staff items so a higher DC can be fixed at the time of creation? No doubt this would increase the cost of the item.

I had a conversation last night about recharging staves. Clearly a spell caster needs to sacrifice a spell slot on the day they want to recharge a staff.

What about making the item intelligent, with the ADDED power of being able to cast a spell once per day. Could that ADDED power (separate from the power of the staff and its spells), be used to recharge the staff, and therefore relieve the user of the need to sacrifice one of their own spells?

Any advice on the above would be welcome.

