thugsb |
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Looking through the Inquisitor, it looks like it would dovetail nicely with Monk. What do people think? How can the below build be improved? Built for Pathfinder Society (so max lvl 12th).
Human Monk(Ki Mystic)/Inquisitor
S 16
D 12
C 12
I 10
W 18
C 7
Traits - Reactionary(+2Init), Bullied(+1 to hit with unarmed AoO)
Monk1 - Flurry, StunningFist, Defences, Combat Reflexes, WF(unarmed), +1Feat?
Monk1/Inquis1 - Domain(Plant/Growth-Enlarge), Judgment1/d, MonsterLaw, Orisons, SternGaze, 1stLvlSpells
Monk1/Inquis2 - CunningInit, StepUp
Monk1/Inquis3 - SoloTactics, PairedOpportunist, +1WIS
Monk2/Inquis3 - Evasion, Dodge, FollowingStep
Monk2/Inquis4 - Judgment2/d, 2ndLvlSpells
Monk3/Inquis4 - KiPool(fromKiMystic), FastMovement+10', ImprovedInit
Monk3/Inquis5 - Bane
Monk3/Inquis6 - DomainPower(BrambleArmor), StepUpAndStrike, PreciseStrike?/Outflank?
Monk3/Inquis7 - Judgment3/day, 3rdLvlSpells
Monk3/Inquis8 - 2ndJudgment, +1Feat?
Monk3/Inquis9 - PreciseStrike?/Outflank?
Spells: (1st) DivineFavor, Wrath, ShieldFaith, CompLang, TrueStrike, CureLight, (2nd) WeaponOfAwe, BloodHound, SeeInvis, (3rd) ?
The idea would be that he has a high Init so goes early in the combat, swift action to use the growth subdomain to enlarge, and moves up to a position that allows for battlefield control. He'll be holding a longspear to get 20' reach, although obviously he'll want to attack with unarmed kicking flurries whenever possible. The StepUp feats allow him to stay close to creatures to make sure they don't easily escape. He can use Judgment and Bane on subsequent rounds to improve his hit and damage.
Unfortunately his +tohit isn't great, and his AC isn't fantastic, although some of that can be made up with spells, Ki and equipment.
Is the StandStill feat worth taking? Do people have good experiences with it? Unfortunately ImprovedTrip requires higher Int, but with reach he could still trip people who don't. :)
What else?