thetang22's page

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There’s plenty to like about all the new changes, but some of the artistic choices are still frustrating. Why in the world was it chosen to zoom way in on heroes/enemy faces, rather than giving more of a visual overview of the character/enemy? Looking at Amiri, I’ve got very little indication of what the character looks like below the neck (same to be said of enemies seen so far).

Part of the appeal of a character is the visual representation of the character, and most of that has been taken away on these cards. I just don’t get why someone would green light a decision like that (but a few of the odd art choices have been approved it’s not entirely surprising...just disappointing).

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I have been removed from PACG for the better part of a year or 2 now, and this morning was the first time I saw the game is getting an updated format...a "not 2nd edition" as they are calling it.

I like the new overall concept. The base set + adventure paths being single individual purchases, rather than lots of smaller bits that grow over time is a more appealing prospect to me. With the overall cost being less for the consumer than the old format, I'd even be ok with the Adventure Paths being fewer the existing ones were simply too long.

I like some the the gameplay changes, such as the hours and the variable location sizes.

The story...I've read that the approach is changing, which is a good thing. The old way had so little effect that it was barely worth telling. That being said, if the new format is just a situation of telling a more in-depth story before you start playing for another 1-2 hours without any more mention of the story DURING gameplay...then this will be a missed opportunity, in my opinion. The problem with the story to me is that once you get past the introduction to the scenario, the story is easily forgotten once you get into the rhythm of gameplay. Having story that evolves during the course of play makes the story feel more important and integrated to me. Perhaps as you close x number of locations, or the hourglass progresses through y number of hours, the story progresses with some additional context about the scenario.

The card design is both good and bad. As a point of reference, the old card design wasn't was just a little bit bland at times...but it seemed quite functional. It was familiar in that it had a format similar to other popular games. For the new card design, as mentioned, there are positives and negatives.

The positives: while the separation of different text around the card is a bit jarring now because it is different, I can imagine that in time the format will actually become useful, and make it easy to find the different types of info you are looking for. I actually don't mind the blue areas being a bit more bold than the old cards, as the old cards were a bit too muted in my opinion.

The negatives: The background of the card is too busy, and distracts from the more important content on the card (and a background should rarely...if that). It's as though the criticism that the old cards were too bland was overcompensated for with this new design, and now it's TOO much. Other than that, the border around the Blessing/Ally/Monster artwork looks very rough, as though the person who created it doesn't have much experience with the pen tool in Illustrator/InDesign, or simply rushed it (with poor results). The swirls on the inside of the art frame are even worse. They have mistakes on them that I would have been down-graded for in my first year of graphic design school. I also hope not all the Allies/Monsters are going to be focused on zooming in so much on the artwork. I personally like seeing more of the subject matter.

So, overall...the concept of the new release of PACG seems refreshing with some good gameplay changes, a change in story, and a card design that needs some fixes before going to print (which unfortunately sounds like it already has...).