Stygian Slayer

theboynurse's page

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8 days to go, and still short on the kickstarter. If you haven't checked it out please do. Check out these vids to see what these guys are capable of.

Started VTT use w/ maptools, and while nice that it is free, found that I would pay for a more user-friendly VTT, and found the whole program a little "buggy" as most freeware is. I found skirmish linked from cartographer's guild and was converted almost immediately. The FOW looks awesome, I found the fact that everything had to snap to grid frustrating. Now that the BETA is closed, I've found myself without a program. Have looked at battlegrounds but my players don't want to pay for Licenses. Roll20 seems alright. I like being able to drop images into the browser to make tokens or object. However, I found skirmish much more adaptable when it came to making tokens, especially on the fly, paste, crop, resize right in the program. The interface that has objects, PC's, Hostile NPC and Neutral NPC was nice, as I could keep the object/character "in the wings" without having to hide it somewhere on the map. Plus it made it easier to find stuff out of view. Additionally, I haven't seen any other product with a mini-map.

Have been using the beta to run ROTRL. Love this program. Maps are very easy to drop in, even very large ones. Have been using maps by hero339 (which are very high def and awesome see here
and unlike maptools I have had no difficulty uploading the files for maps.
Very hopeful this program makes it- I have backed it, hoping some more will check it out and consider backing it as well.

Agreed 100%. Additionally, FOW can be a specific foreground, so you can design encounters in which your PCs see the roof of the building until they enter it. Also, only the GM has to be a member for all players to get membership benefits during play. Have also been in enjoying how easy it is to port graphics. One can literally paste any image from the clipboard as a portrait, token, or object.
Thanks for posting a not broken link...

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but here goes.
I have been using the VTT program Skirmish!-VT in Beta for about 6 months now. The open Beta period has ended, and their Kickstarter is now live. It's a European-based endeavor, but it is in English. Hoping to drive some traffic their way. Check it out, I think it has the potential to the best VTT. Plugin options alone make it incredibly adaptable. Have been using it at home with a slave monitor game table, but it can be used over the internet. Check it out, the Kickstarter page is pretty descriptive. p-for-role-playing-game/description