the game preserve's page

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there is, pirates of the dragonspine sea #2 by reaper, i have seen on amazon 6 figures all prepainted, ggod luck

i have alot of left over stock, selling on amazon now, and at this rate i will sell out in 2 1/2 years, any ideas on how to speed this up?

if your two seller raise the price idea is true, why are they doing it backwords, they have brand new books, cost me at my store say $15.00, meens i sell fpr $28.95 or so, why are they selling the same book for $.01--- one cent, i realy dont understand that, but now i know why i had to close my store of 26 years, how can they do it?????

i closed my store of 26 years, and i have a lot of games new unsold, trying to get into a show, but they have no interest in me, amazon, e-bay. real slow, and their cut, way high, i had a family owned and run store, sold everything for less then msrp, not greedy, just looking to sell what did not before i closed, any ideas please

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