Black Dragon

tarrasquekiller's page

1 post. Alias of Beel.

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I was wondering if I could get anything such as tools or materials for the DM to make DMing go easier. I've already got most of the paizo pathfinder books such as core, advanced, bestiary 1,2,3, racial guide, ultimate magic/combat, beginners box, rise of the runelords adventures (all), and tiles and flip mats. I was thinking of getting the inter sea guide and a white board with some erasable markers to track initiative. Does anyone have any advice to make my friend's life as DM easier because my group is hard to handle and each encounter takes a while to get through. I was hoping to make the DM's life easier by providing matirials other then the online content so he had something solid to read.

I was wondering if a summoner can cast evolution surge multiple times to stack evolution points. And if he/she could, then can they unlock Large(ex) twice and make himself huge (if enough evolution surges are cast and if he didn't have the large evolution already unlocked)?

Hi guys I was wondering if anyone had stories of how you used your equipment in fun and innovative ways. Such as Frodo using his cloke as as disguise to look like a rock in lord of the rings or like using a grappling hook to slide down a 45 degree rope to safety. or even using bells and a string to make an alarm around your camp. Anything goes as long as you can imagine it so tell me your ideas.

How would one kill a Tarrasque. I don't want to hear that one does not simply kill a Tarrasque. Nor do I want to hear the solution of casting it into the fires of Mordor. I bequest thee to find a solution to my conundrum.