I am participating in my first campaign with 3 other new players. My GM has been playing since he was a kid and has a ton of experience. I am running a half-elf Bard(currently 4th level). The others are running a Barbarian, Gunslinger and a Druid. Now that I have been playing for a while I see how we are a little weak in melee and a powerful mage.
My ability scores are:
Char: 15 +2
Wis: 8
Int: 12
Con: 13
Dex: 14
Str: 10
I look at a lot of builds and decided with the above scores. In hindsight I would have made him stronger.
So I have trying to figure out how I can be the most effective as I level up. I thought about taking on Arcane Archer in order to be the most effective. At one point I thought about leveling up as a swashbuckler in order to utilize dexterity instead of strength in melee.
I have read a ton of Bard threads on the board and so many have written that you should not multiclass. My GM even suggested Arrowsong Minstrel due to its bow abilities and gaining some Wizard spells. Our party could use those offensive spells. He even suggested multiclassing with a Ranger for a few level in order to get its Bow feats.
Now I am qualify this as in I have never leveled up a character since it is my first time play and do not fully understand taking on prestige classes. So I am trying to decide whether to keep my character a basic bard to continue full buffing abilities and just add various feats in order improve bow abilities and rapier (dex) abilities.
So Arcane Archer/Arrowsong Minstrel path or straight bard path are my basic choices. What would you all suggest. Thanks in advance.