Loris Raknian

talyn's page

20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


well now it works for me, didnt work at all last night. Who knows.

the demonksar ball .doc is corrupted and wont load. i was desperate to get a look at this if i could

how can i get the demonskar ball, the .doc file says its corrupted when i try and download it.

playtest that is

il do it for free!

whos to say, we the fans coudlnt do such a thing...

We could look through all the old modules and supllements for greyhawk and plot them on one map, with refernces to what pertains to what...

what class are you??

what are the maps in the village sett of?

i know its a village but what in specific??

Thanks all!

could some one post up the pre requesties for me, im in Australia nad that dragon aint here yet...

My pcs want 2 know wnat feats they would have to take to qualify etc so they can start on there way.

cool we usually run 8-9 hour sessions too.

WC took 3? or 2 session
3FOE took 3 8 hours sessions and 1 2 hour session
Just about to start BK.

we usually play once or twice a month, either all day saturday or all night..

got in a couple days last month though.

yeh, i got the en world stuff and a copy of that issue of dragon. Thanz thopugh guys...

hey i was wondering, if any one had a 3/ 3.5 conversion for Vault of the drow, against the giants, Queen od Spiders etc...

i forgot 2...

stupid me the party is actually

Elven Ninja 1(dead thanks to the acid beetle swarm)(new player 2.)
Elven Druid (repaced ninja)
Human Rouge 3(plans to take monk soon)
Raptoran Sor 3(dead wind warriors this time)
Raptoran Shugenja 3(replaced sor)
Human Bard 3(dead, Filge)
Human Fighter 3(palns on taking a homebrew feat tree enabling fighting with 3 swordsreplaced bard)
H/elf Druid 2 (brand spanklin new player)
Human Barbarian 3 (played by a girl!!!!!)
Drow Paladin 1
H/Orc Paladin 1

uhh wots a CW??

well i just finished wc and heres the part

Elven Ninja 1(dead thanks to the acid beetle swarm)(new player 2.)
Elven Druid (repaced ninja)
Human Rouge 3(plans to take monk soon)
Raptoran Sor 3(dead wind warriors this time)
Raptoran Shugenja 3(replaced sor)
Human Bard 3(dead, Filge)
Human Fighter 3(palns on taking a homebrew feat tree enabling fighting with 3 swords[throw one in betwwen]replaced bard)
H/elf Druid 2 (brand spanklin new player)

cool this thread v helpful and i was happy to find that both cauldorn, and diamond lake where on the map. v good guys

filge was a fair cool NPC. thax Erik!

yeh id have to agree here...

very creepy, good work guys