![]() Hey all, I'm trying to figure out which game product this is in, so I can determine if it's allowed in the campaign I'm going to be playing in. According to D20PFSRD, it's in Paizo product PZ09466, but I can't seem to find what product that actually is. Could anyone help me out with this info? Many thanks! ![]()
![]() I could swear I've read somewhere about a trait/feat/something that allows a dwarf to use Wisdom instead of Charisma for his casting stat, but I can't seem to find it anywhere. I think it had 'Sage' in the title. I've tried some searching here, but I'm rather pressed for time. Does anyone know/remember what I'm talking about, and help me find it in the rules? Many thanks! ![]()
![]() Alain Germande, Third Son of the House Germande, is the iconic cavalier, but I don't know how to pronounce his name (never got around to taking French in high school). I've found thread's or sources giving pronunciations for virtually all of the other iconic classes, but I can't find anything for Alain. So if there's any kind of official word on this, I'd really appreciate it I someone could share it. And if not, could we get an official word on how to produce this guy's name? Many thanks! ![]()
![]() 1 )My group isn't big on min/max'ing or exploiting rules - they care more about flavor & having fun. So I try to be reasonable when they make a request. Not that they always get what they want... 2) Technically, it's a cane. We like to have pictures of out characters - the picture he chose has a cane. He gave serious consideration to a ring, but the cane won. 3) His main concern is not having a free hand to cast with if he's holding both his staff & a metamagic rod, forcing him to take Still Spell. 4) We've discussed (and I'll probably allow) him putting some other enhancements/spells on the staff, as long as it doesn't get carried away - including, perhaps a +1 weapon enhancement (which should also increase durability, if I understand correctly). The weapon enhancement would probably come first, so I'm not sure how that changes the pricing - if he were just putting the metamagic feat on the staff, the 1.5x price several folks have recommended seems fair. I believe it gets modified further if the item is already magical - or does being an arcane bond already cover that? Thank you all very much for the input so far, you've been very helpful! ![]()
![]() My player wanted to know if he could add a single Metamagic feat to his arcane-bonded staff? His thought was if he could do that, and then take a couple Metamagic feats himself, he could avoid the need for a rod, and thus avoid having both hands full. I'm not opposed to the idea, but I wanted to make sure if was allowed under the rules first. After that, I just wasn't sure how it would be priced. ![]()
![]() We're having more difficulty with the anagram idea than expected - everything I've come up with so far sounds more like a gnome than a halfling name. My player is thinking about dropping the anagram idea, IF we can find a good regular bard name. Although funny, he doesn't want anything like Bardy McBardface (but plays on words/phrases are ok if they're more subtle).... Suggestions welcome! ![]()
![]() Eindridi wrote:
Ironically, our group generally doesn't like those kind of names. Still, it was fun to read... :) ![]()
![]() Rennaivx wrote:
Thanks very much, both for the suggestions, and the link!! ![]()
![]() Need to name a halfling bard. Grew up in Magnimar, now in Sandpoint (running RotRL). The player wants the name to be an anagram of the phrase I'm so adorable - prefer a first & last name, but will consider other suggestions. The apostrophe may be used, but isn't required. I've never been good at anagrams, so any/all help would be appreciated. ![]()
![]() Going with either Lineage or Metamagic Master, not both. Yeah, it'll be impressive later, but I don't want all the eggs in one proverbial basket. Still undecided on Reactionary vs Arcane Temper, although Reactionary will probably get the nod unless I get a really compelling argument otherwise.... It's the direction I was going anyway, but Spell Specialization to BH it is, then. May still give him MM as a backup, as the range & ability to affect incorps could still come in handy. The dip into cross-blooded sorcerer can be decided another day, but it'll get serious consideration at that time. Thinking mid-levels is a good place for it, if I decide to do it. Thanks for the opinions so far... ![]()
![]() Was leaning towards Reactionary/Magical Lineage, pretty much for those reasons. Debate with Arcane Temper was if splitting the bonuses might be worth considering since Initiative was already +7, even without Improved Initiative - a +1 concentration, while not much, might still come in handy for those situations where something unexpected happens. But perhaps I'm making too much out of that. My oldest son, who plays in another game with friends that's much tighter/stricter on the rules than we play, told me he doesn't really feel concentration checks come up all that often in his other game (since the wizard 'plays smart'). Agree that BH will do more damage, although a little concerned about the range. MM just had enough things going for it, including affecting incorporeals (may or may not come up, but nice if it does) to make it a tough choice. Willing to consider the dip - when would you do it, & which bloodlines? Guessing draconic/orc? Only issue might be his 9 Cha - or is that really an issue for a 1-level dip to get bonus damage from the bloodlines? ![]()
![]() Forgot to mention he's going Admixture school, so he'll be able to adjust the elemental damage type on the fly. That's one of the key items in the Blockbuster build. Also, need to pick two traits - the options above were for combinations, not either/or. So taking either Reactionary & Magical Lineage OR Metamagic Master & Arcane Temper (OR Magical Lineage & Arcane Graduate - as mentioned above, it was considered). Not that Reactionary isn't a solid choice, mind you. But getting a free level of metamagic isn't anything to sneeze at, either... Actually, that's kind of the problem - they're all good, solid choices. ![]()
![]() Building a combination blockbuster/god wizard for our RotRL campaign. Need help deciding between the following options: * Magical Lineage/Reactionary: Currently has +7 Initiative (+3 Dex, Compsagnathus familiar). Lineage would go on Fireball. * Metamagic Master/Arcane Temper: Temper would give smaller boosts, but to two useful abilities instead of one (Initiative + Concentration). Metamagic Master would also go on Fireball. I use D20PFSRD (Paizo only) for what is allowed in the game. Metamamgic Master was originally Wayang Spellhunter, but since it doesn't list as such on the site, I don't generally nitpick about it. Also considered Arcane Graduate/Magical Lineage, but I felt like concentration checks shouldn't be as big a deal if the character is smart enough to stay out of melee. Speaking of which, any thoughts on putting Spell Specialization on either Burning Hands or Magic Missile? Currently, we're going with BH, but MM was very tempting due to range & no miss chance... The character's concept is based off the Outlander (Loreseeker) campaign trait, but decided we could roleplay it without needing to take the trait. Any advice would be appreciated. If any extra info is needed to clarify, please let me know. Thank you in advance! ![]()
![]() D20PFSRD wrote:
My question is what spell list should be used here? If it refers to the spells in the wizard's spellbook, it only affects a handful of 1st level & all of the 0-level spells - nice enough for a trait, but not nearly as interesting; if it's referring to the main list of available wizard's spells, it becomes waay cooler... ![]()
![]() Kobolds of Golarion wrote:
It's called Dimmer Dust on D20PFSRD, but regardless, my ninja pc is interested in buying some. However, I have a couple of rules questions that I'm not sure how to handle... First, how long does this effect last? Given the cost, I wouldn't think it would be more than a round or two at most. Second, it states the dust is permanently inert if exposed to sunlight - I assume this doesn't pertain to sprinkling to apply it? That would seem to negate a major use/purpose of the item. Some help please?! (and thank you, in advance!) ![]()
![]() Drogos wrote:
Forgot to mention that I discussed this with him - he was initially interested in poison use until I explained how quickly it becomes useless. At that point, he decided to switch out for Disarm Magic Traps. ![]()
![]() Ok, probably the last update: * He finalized the single wakizashi, with plans to go TWF at 3rd level (he'll pick up the 2nd one at that time). * Armor will be a haramaki - he likes the eastern-theme over padded armor. Will move into better armors as he levels, probably into studded leather 1st, and then eventually a mithral chain shirt. * Ranged combat will focus on shuriken initially, but getting a short bow will be one of the 1st priorities. This was partly due to finances - he really wants to have some extra gold to pick up a couple fun alchemical items. * Dodge has been swapped out for PBS, to help the shuriken attacks. Will also benefit when he does get the short bow. Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions/advice! ![]()
![]() * He's pretty set on going with the wakizashi's, so no katana. Again, the only real question was about going TWF right at 1st level, which he's decided against - he'll pick it up at 3rd. * Looked up brigandine armor - studded leather now makes a lot more sense, and is definitely an option. It was originally eastern, and was introduced to the west when they invaded; easy to adapt in this context. Made to be worn under regular clothing, or look like clothing. Go with a dark color for the outer layer of cloth, use a flat-finish for the studs to eliminate glare, and you've got a solid choice for ninja armor. * He was doing some research while I was at work, and saw the Additional Traits feat. He's considering it if he goes with the studded leather, so he can take Armor Master to eliminate the ACP on the studded leather (that would also eliminate the need for mithral on a chain shirt, should he want to go that route later) - he could also pick up Crowd Dodger for the bonuses to moving through an occupied space/leaving a threatened square. He wants to keep Blood of the Dragon & Favored Son (Ameiko). ![]()
![]() One of the advantages of school being out is the chance to talk to my son just about every day.... so here's what he's decided on so far: For armor, he decided to go with haramaki armor, since it's wearable under clothing. He's going to into leather later, and possibly a chain shirt (masterwork/magic of course) at higher levels. In melee combat, he's going to use a single wakizashi to start with, mostly due to cost. He's only got 140gp to work with, and he doesn't want to blow half of it on just the wakizashi's, since he also wants to pick up some cool accessories (alchemical, etc). Ranged combat will be a combo of shuriken when he wants to be stealth/SA, and a short bow when he wants/needs to keep out of range of enemies. The big debate is whether to pick up PBS or Dodge for his (human) bonus feat - so far, Dodge is winning because of wearing lighter armor. Clothing will be a pickpocket's outfit, styled to look more like a traditional ninja's outfit - the bonus to hiding small objects will be useful for shuriken & extra little surprises. We're still working on the extra goodies... ![]()
![]() To the various points, in no particular order: * Yes, he's committed to being a human. Halfling stats/abilities for a ninja are great, but he wanted to stay human this time. * Press to the Wall is definitely a feat to consider. Big Game Hunter is another (campaign) feat I will be highly recommending as well to most/all the melee capable pc's. * No third-party stuff is allowed. * He definitely wants to go with TWF - the only question was whether to do it immediately at 1st level, or to wait until 3rd. At this point, he's leaning towards waiting. If he decides to drop Dodge, he's saying he'll probably go with PBS instead. * Trading out Poison Use for Disarm Magic Traps sounds like an idea I may want to use. I've never been a big fan of poison use, because of how quickly it becomes ineffective, so that sounds reasonable and far more useful to me. * Still debating what he wants to do with armor... ![]()
![]() I've been meaning to pick up both Ranged Tactics Toolbox & Melee Tactics Toolbox - guess now I have an excuse! Definitely will check out the kunai idea - he's a fan of Naruto, so that would appeal to him. We had originally decided to stay away from poisons, largely because they become ineffective so quickly. However, I will have to look at the bronze shuriken idea. Was planning to make the pickpocket outfit resemble the traditional ninja outfit - the sandals are cool, but he's keen on the ninja tabai boots. Definitely planning to pick up thieves' tools, but not sure how useful the disguise kit will be in this AP. Some great suggestions so far! Do you folks have anything more for 1st level stuff? Still want to address armor, and possibly a couple cheap(er) alchemical items... ![]()
![]() SyrioForel wrote: If you are planning to ever reach into level 6 - 10 using the finesse rogue talent will be a more efficient use of feats than using a feat to gain weapon finesse. Not necessary but helps later ones I have found with my own 11th level ninja. We looked at that option, but a lot of the ninja tricks are better than feats. He was looking through them to plan what he wanted to do, & got waaay too excited when he saw & read about Vanishing Trick/Invisible Blade... ![]()
![]() Actually, it's my son's ninja for my RotRL campaign. I'll put some of the basic stat info in the spoiler below. The character is going to be a Sandpoint native, working as a salesclerk in the display room of the Glassworks as he secretly trains to be a ninja. As far as his role in the party, with an invulnerable rager barbarian & a reach-combat inquisitor, he's planning on being the flanker/precision-damage guy. The bard is going to be the party face, & the zen-archer monk will handle primary ranged combat. Spoiler:
STR12, DEX18, CON13, INT10, WIS10, CHA14 Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dodge Skills: pretty much the basic set (Stealth, Disable Device, etc.) Traits: Blood of the Dragon (low-light vision), Favored Son (Ameiko) Everything has been going smooth so far, but we're needing help with the equipment. *Clothing: There doesn't seem to be anything I can find for ninja outfits or other eastern wear. Unless something else is discovered, he'll probably have to go with a pickpocket's outfit. *Armor: The pc will be wearing a standard ninja-type outfit, so my son wants to keep the armor light enough to wear under his outfit. At this point, we're looking mostly at a haramaki, with the idea of moving up to a mithral chain shirt or a dark leaf hide shirt later on (which is partly why the choice of Dodge). *Weapons: My son has decided to start with a wakizashi, with the intent of moving to TWF @ 3rd level - although there was some debate about going with TWF right @ 1st level. Regardless, the big question is what direction to go for ranged; the primary options being considered are shuriken, a short bow & a light crossbow (in that order). *General: Ideas/suggestions for fun little ninja stuff - smoke pellets come to mind as a good example. Keep in mind the character will have average starting wealth. But any advice/suggestions/random thoughts would be welcome & appreciated. ![]()
![]() Drogos wrote:
There are a couple of feats that can help when dealing with reach/larger opponents - Big Game Gunter, Death or Glory & Lunge all come to mind. Plus, the party has a wizard & a bard, so there will be some magic options beyond what the inquisitor can cast herself. Even without the AoO's on the larger creatures, she'll benefit simply by having the reach weapon giving her the same range as they have - she won't provoke herself when trying to close with them. And personally, I like both chocolate & vanilla. :D (I don't know how to make cool-looking emoti's in my messages) ![]()
![]() I'm planning on toning that section down a bit, as my 11-yr old son will be playing in the game. And so, of course, my future daughter-in-law changed her mind. She's decided she'd rather go with the conversion inquisition, dropping charisma to 10 & bumping wisdom to 15 (we tend to not dump attributes, as we believe in role-playing to your attributes). She also likes going with Divine Favor/Fate's Favored, but is uncertain if she wants to go with Temple Guard or Charming for her 2nd trait. I'm considering allowing the +1 save DC from the trait to apply to the Swaying Word ability - at one time per day, I don't see it as particularly unbalancing, and I think it fits the theme nicely.... ![]()
![]() blackbloodtroll wrote:
From the look on the face of your avatar Blackbloodtroll, I feel like this may be dredging up painful memories for you.... "Y'all got a purty mouth!" - pretty sure that line is going to get used at some point during Hook Mountain Massacre.... ![]()
![]() Got to talk to the player today - she doesn't want to try changing classes, as she loves the picture we found to represent her character & she really likes the character's backstory. I presented the options regarding domains/inquisitions listed above. I tried to be as neutral as possible, explaining what I felt were advantages & possible disadvantages for both domains & the 3 inquisitions. Her 1st decision was to decide that she would go with Fate over Luck if she decided on a domain. Next was the decision to choose Heresy if she decided on an inquisition (although Conversion was, she said, a really close second). Then it became a choice between Fate & Heresy. After talking over a little more how the game mechanics worked for each, she decided she wants to go with the Fate subdomain. Although she liked the flavor of the Heresy inquisition, she was concerned about enemies making their Will saves at higher levels. She liked the ability to affect both allies & enemies with the Tugging Strands ability @ 8th level, as well as the chance to give allies two rolls to choose from with Bit of Luck. We also determined she wanted to keep her stats as they currently are (STR 16, DEX 14, CON 13, INT 10, WIS 14 & CHA 12). With taking a domain instead of an inquisition, she wanted to keep a little bit of charisma so she could at least be competent in regards to her 'face' skills (re-explained that charisma & looks aren't really tied together when going over the inquisitions). As far as feats, she kept Combat Reflexes & Toughness. She decided to go with Fate's Favored for her first trait (Divine Favor will be one of her 1st-level spells). The only thing she wasn't able to decide on before she had to go back to school (local university) was whether to take Temple Guard or Tactician for her 2nd trait - she's leaning towards Temple Guard for the flat +1 to her AoO's, although the +1 initiative was appealing (I was about to point out she can take Improved Initiative later when we ran out of time). If anyone has any thoughts on choosing between Temple Guard & Tactician, it would be appreciated. Otherwise, thanks to everyone for all the advice & suggestions - the overwhelming support for Fate's Favored was definitely a help, as well as the advice to swap STR & WIS. ![]()
![]() Melkiador wrote: So if she wants to play pretty, why are you going inquisitor? This sounds like a job for a bard. Probably an archaeologist bard. Bloodrager is also a really good option. That would be because my oldest son (her fiancée) is playing a halfling bard as the party face/supporter - it's one of the only classes/roles he hasn't played in a game yet, & he really wanted to try it. ![]()
![]() blackbloodtroll wrote:
I was personally debating between recommending either Temple Guard or Tactician, to go with Fate's Favored. The flat, constant bonus to AoO's is really tempting since it's a core part of her build, but the +1 to initiative/ +2 to a single AoO/day is pretty sweet as well - that bonus can be saved for when she really can't afford to miss. Charming normally wouldn't be that great, but it becomes a lot more attractive if she picks an inquisition instead of a domain (see below), and it TOTALLY fits the character's background. Paragon of Speed would never be a bad choice (too much initiative? Uh, how about NO!), but I think the other options fit her background better. Upon re-examining the domains & inquisitions, I've decided there are 2 domains and 3 inquisitions I'll recommend. The two domain choices are either sticking with Luck, or switching off to the Fate subdomain. It'll boil down to whether she prefers getting the re-rolls herself a couple levels earlier, or being able to use them to influence friend or foe. Personally, I feel the second choice gives more flexibility. As far as inquisitions, I'm recommending Conversion, Heresy and Reformation. They all sub the WIS modifier on certain skills, thus justifying the increase in wisdom. Two of them also allow limited re-rolls on the relevant skill checks. As hinted at above, the 8th level powers would be helped by the Charming trait - an increase in the save DC will be very helpful, and the skill bonuses are just gravy. I think Conversion's Dominate Person ability is the best of the three - definitely better than the Charm Person from Reformation. Heresy's Word of Anathema can definitely be useful, as well. A -4 to attacks, saves & ability/skill checks at the right time can certainly be a difference-maker. However, Conversion loses points for not granting limited skill re-rolls at 4th level like the other two do. Also, it would have been great had Heresy given Stealth as a class skill, since it's giving re-rolls on it. Heresy has probably the best fit into the character's background. Reformation is probably my least favorite of the three overall. Feel free to pepper me with more comments, lol. It's been a long day, & I need to get some sleep. ![]()
![]() blackbloodtroll wrote:
No disagreement here. blackbloodtroll wrote:
A fair point. I honestly hadn't looked at the inquisitions that closely, as most of the optimization guides I've read don't seem to rate them very well - even though we aren't optimization fanatics, I still find the guides quite useful. You've given some good advice in the past. So, I'll take a closer look at the inquisitions. I'd still really like to get some more input on trait selection, though. As stated above, Fate's Favored seems very popular, but what about the 2nd trait? ![]()
![]() synjon wrote:
I can go on about the mechanical/optimization benefits of dumping CHA all day - she's not going to do it. She's already stated she wants at least a little bit of CHA, and to be 'pretty,' or she doesn't want to play the character. Doesn't matter if it's not the most 'optimized' thing to do or not. And if she doesn't play, my son won't play. And if my son doesn't play, it's no longer family time - so then my wife won't play. So there goes half my group. With all respect, the question/advice currently being sought is in regards to what traits would be recommended, not what attributes and domain/inquisition should be taken.... ![]()
![]() My player was able to stop by this evening. After our conversation, we determined the following: - Swap WIS & STR. As stated above, the pc will be a melee reach build, using AoO's to make martial attacks. As the 2ndary melee, this was an easy change to recommend. -Choose Combat Reflexes & Toughness for feats. Combat Reflexes will be crucial to the reach build working, (especially in the 1st few levels), while Toughness will aid in the pc's survivability, as commented on above. Consideration is still being given to Additional Traits, though. -Narrow traits to following; Paragon of Speed, Temple Guard, Fate's Favored, Tactician & Charming. Paragon of Speed gives a better initiative bump & Temple Guard is better for the AoO's, but Tactician balances the two nicely. Fate's Favored, as everyone above pointed out, gives a very nice bonus to attack & damage, making it quite interesting. Charming makes the list purely on RP/fluff merits, as the player feels it very much represents the character's life before becoming an inquisitor. Of those, Tactician, Fate's Favored & Charming are the ones she was most interested in, but she wanted me to try to get additional input before she comes back to finalize it. ![]()
![]() I always hesitate recommending a player rely on stat-boosting items to get the scores needed for spell levels - lose the item, & suddenly you can't cast your most powerful spells. Same thing applies to boosting DEX with an item to qualify for TWF or it's upgrades. Losing a stat boost to STR or CON will most certainly hurt, of course, but you character won't suddenly lose a significant/important part of his build. As a result, I would normally recommend a couple of the level increases go into WIS (although not until later - perhaps 8/12 or even 12/16). I'd probably suggest the 1st one go into CON, to help with HP & FORT, or perhaps STR (along with the final level increase, if the group makes it to 20). This isn't to say that stat-boosting items for those attributes aren't still desirable, just that a character shouldn't be over-reliant on them. It seems that Fate's Favored is clearly a top choice for the 1st trait. Any other thoughts on the 2nd trait? So far, I've got a vote for Tactician, but that's it. ![]()
![]() Toughness is probably the safest choice for the extra feat, for the reasons stated above. Judgment Surge was the other one I was considering recommending - end the fight faster, & all that. So, what about the trait's? Fate's Favored (faith) is now on the radar, but that would still leave a second choice. Thoughts? Here are the traits again: (combat) Tactician