swordpeddler's page

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Good to know! Thanks guys. Also my LGS didn't have the print books so I picked up the PDFs, and I gotta say I am a fan.

I am fairly far out on the periphery of Pathfinder, but after pushing out a hex map art project this week a friend of mine was like "Oh dude, these would be perfect for Kingmaker" and I was like "That old Neverwinter Nights premium module" and then they said "What?" and explained to me what Kingmaker from Paizo is. It seems pretty intriguing and I plan to head out to my LGS this after noon to see if they have the books so I can give it a good looksie. But the reason he mentioned it is because I illustrated over 1,100 hex tiles to make maps with. They look like this: http://imgur.com/a/wljbv

There is a bunch of 'em. And dynamic ones too that overlap one another. But I am not here to sell hexes, so much as ask what kind of stuff is in Kingmaker that would make cool hexes? I want to release a few small supplements of fantasy themed hex tiles before the giant sci fi set hits, and could use some suggestions. You can see some more of the project on swordpeddler.com

So what are some cool art stuffs that fit in a game of Kingmaker? Keep in mind that I mean non proprietary. Nothing that will get me sued ;-)