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And i asked nicely for them to stick to CRB, i'd just like to give him the chance to play what he wants if its not gonna break things

Is the Oread less powerful? He's already the type of player who will probably min-max and spam abusive stuff, so i really dont to help him with that out of the gate.

Having no significant RPG experience and no Pathfinder experience outsidd of the beginner box, i'm being asked to GM RotRL. I'm kind of learning as i go and one of my players wants to use an ARG character. Does anyone think an Aasimar Paladin or Oread sorceror would be particularly difficult to run for a first time GM. Any other races or classes i should steer players away from for this first AP?

extra encounters that make sense or are interesting? I'm thinking a neat twist, a puzzle, and an extra combat?

Hey guys, got some friends coming over in a bit the run BFD and I'm worried that they'll knock it out in about 2 hours but we have 4 set aside. Anything you all have done or you think might be interesting to add to the dungeon, before the dungeon, or on the way out?

Hey guys, how often do all your players die? Do you bring them back somehow? Do they lose and you start a new campaign? Is there a way to fix it without it seeming like charity? Don't want to get 7 months into RotRL and have all my players killed anti-climacticly (sp?) by a band of goblins. lol

1) How do you all have fun playing a game with so many problems (according to the forums)? Seriously, it's just complaining and arguing with some good stuff thrown in. If people have problems with so much of the design, why do so many people play it?

2)Developers: In looking through all the whining, it seems that Rogue, Fighter, and ESPECIALLY Monk seem to come up ALOT. I get not being able to please everyone all the time, but why have these not been updated or boosted when they seem to be pretty consistently lambasted? Any chance it's in the works?

I guess I'm just afraid to thrust my players into a year-long campaign in a game where someone could be doing next-to-nothing in 4 months compared to the other players or one person runs the group (besides the GM).

I was looking into roleplaying. I have a group of 5 who are excited. I bought lots of Pathfinder stuff and am slogging through the rules (don't know a better word). But...

I look on the forums and I see "this is OP", "that is errata'd", "that doesn't work right", "it should be done like this", etc.

For someone coming from next-to-absolute-zero roleplaying experience, what do I need to know going into this game running RotRL with the core book? Are any classes widely considered OP? Is there a basic mechanic that needs fixing? Is the there a problematic progression I should be watching for in my players?

There's just so much complaining and debating and arguing what is wrong or silly or too powerful or too weak that I almost want to turn around and sell my stuff and get out now before investing all this time and effort.

There's just a "wealth" of knowledge and so much stuff on these forums that I couldn't begin to know where to look and what to believe.

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Would there be any alterations needed to make Rise of the Runelords function well as a 5 character AP? I have 1 friend who may want to play, but may need to drop out. If it works with 5 or 4, great, she can leave (read as be killed or possibly replaced) whenever. If I need to make any alterations, what might they be?

Thanks a lot guys! I think Fangs from the Past is EXACTLY what I'm looking for!

Well I'm not yet creative enough to write my own adventures, so I'm trying to use pre-gens. I guess my hope is that it's at least somewhat self-contained, in that she gather info and puts it to enough use in one session that she feels like she accomplished something important, but that maybe there is just enough left undiscovered that she's curious...

Oh, she like's Buffy too if that gives any ideas.

Hey everyone,

I'm trying to convince one of my friends, who is not well acquainted with RPGs, to play with a new group we're getting together. I fully believe that she will enjoy playing, but she has told me she'd like to give it one shot before she commits.

The problem is, I know it's not going to go very well if the first adventure is a dungeon crawl. I'm fighting against all the stigmas of RPGing and I would like to emphasize that it's not all fighting goblins and dragons. I would like to emphasize the non-combat parts. The puzzles, NPCs, creativity, and story elements above the fighting.

Does anyone know of a beginner scenario (I currently have the beginner box, bestiary box, Rise of the Runelords pawns, and RotRL AP to work with) that would better serve my goal?

-if personality is any help, I'd imagine she would ultimately (when she gets to create a character) be a Gnome bard/druid multiclasser.-

How do your players take being constantly restarted Lakeside? or the that generally the way of it regardless of what you're doing?

Does it suggest I write adventures?

Hey, so having never really played a full RPG campaign and not being creative enough (at this time) to write my own, I have a few questions.

I was looking and grabbing up the adventure paths. Originally I figured these might be adventures that could just be done one after the other (like all 6 of one, then all 6 of the next like a part of the larger journey). However, once I looked and realized that they all start at Level 1 I realized that would not be possible.

So, in the world of RPGs, do people usually make new characters for each campaign or use them for years and years? If you wrote your own, would people start and Level 1 and go for 6 months-1 year like that paths do and that would be the end of it? Or would your character go through dozens of such journeys of the course of many years? If the former is the case, I assume we would do each adventure path then start back from square one. The problem is the latter. I'm definately NOT creative enough to write my own adventures, so what would people suggest I do at the end of the adventure paths? Are there good adventures for after each are over or is this a moot question?