supermercado08's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


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So this seems to be way more of a problem with your 1 player who seems to be incapable of handling 1 extra action than a problem with the design of the animal companion. It's like saying, Haste is horrible because 1 guy at my table doesn't know what to do with his extra action. It should be removed.

Make the guy figure things out faster. If your group is experienced enough and trying to discuss moves during the heat of combat or moments that are time sensitive, put a timer on them and if time runs out any actions not done yet are wasted.

So it states an ally can use your animal companion as a mount, if you do then who is using the actions to control it? And during whose turn does it go? If the rider is using their action to control it is it still considered a minion for them?

Also in regards to when companions act (not mounted in this question) can you split up the actions? Such as You use your stride action to move into range, you command it to stride into a flanking position, then you attack and then it attacks or must you use your 3 then it's 2?

Why is that frustrating? Cantrips shouldn't do as much damage as normal attacks because then what is the point of normal attacks? Spell casters have their real spells to do way more damage or control than non spell casters.

You run into a problem, like with 5e Eldritch Blast, when 1 cantrip pretty much outdamages any of your non resource spending options.