
superhorse's page

Organized Play Member. 74 posts. 5 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Please cancel my subscriptions and, if possible, Order 36673558.

Thank you!


Can I cancel only my Rulebook subscription? Thank you!


It seems a lot of other people are receiving their September subscriptions, but my order still shows as "pending." I don't mind waiting, but I just wanted to make sure there was no issue with the order!

Thank you!


Could you remove the Guns & Gears Pocket Edition from subject order? I decided to go with the full subscription today, in time for subscription charges tomorrow.



Please cancel my Pathfinder Rulebook subscription.



Please remove the physical products from subject order. I meant to just order the PDFs, but also ordered the print copies by mistake.

Thank you!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Please cancel the rest of my subscriptions.



Please cancel all my subscriptions except for the Adventure Path subscription.

Next, please remove all items from my sidecart. My sidecart currently contains the following items:

- Pathfinder Bestiary 3
- Pathfinder Hero Point Deck

Finally, I have a pending Order 36299951. I only want the following items in this order:

- Pathfinder Player Character Pawn Collection
- Pathfinder Adventure Path #164: Hands of the Devil

I greatly appreciate your assistance!


Please cancel my remaining subscriptions. However, I would still like to order the items in my sidecart.

Just so you know, I still plan on purchasing from Paizo! The subscription model just no longer fits my needs.

Thank you!


Please cancel my Pathfinder Pawns and Pathfinder Adventure Paths subscriptions.

Is it possible to keep the Player Character Pawn Collection in my sidecart? I would still like to preorder that pawn set. I understand I will not receive the PDF.

Thank you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Please cancel my subscription to the Lost Omens product line.

Thank you!


I would like to cancel my Pathfinder Adventure and Pathfinder Society subscriptions.

Thank you!


Please cancel my Pathfinder Pawns subscription.

Thank you!

Please remove the product "Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Character Sheet Pack" from my sidecart.

Thank you!


Please cancel subject order. I already downloaded the PDF for the Gamemastery Guide, so if you need to charge me for that, I understand!

Thank you!


I haven't received my Gamemastery Guide from my Rulebook Subscription, but the product page says that I ordered that product. When I followed the link for more details, it took me to a numberless, empty order. I'm worried something happened and I won't get my Gamemastery Guide physical copy or PDF! Can you help me out?

Thank you!

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Your advice could apply to either PF2 or TTRPGs in general. Your advice could also come from a player's perspective; what advice would you give your GM to best enrich your experience at the table?

The biggest advice I have is to read everything (e.g., rulebooks, adventures, lore, character options, statblocks, my players' character sheets); this may seem like common sense, but it didn't come naturally to me. This doesn't mean you have to comprehend every single word, just touch it with your eyes, per se; it's hard enough finding time to play, let alone time to parse all that content. You'll surprise yourself with what you're able to recall, and your game will be richer for it!

Can I cancel Order 8216083 please?

Thank you!

I'm curious as to which method of mapping people prefer, and why:

- Paizo's flip-mats and similar products
- Dry erase board or wet erase mat
- Theater of the mind

If you have some sort of clever innovation you've made at your table, I'd love to hear about it!

I personally use a giant wet-erase mat, because I find its reusability to be invaluable. Though it is rough when I have to draw out bigger areas!


I was charged for this month's Pathfinder Society Scenarios subscription even though I am a superscriber. I had selected the Pathfinder Society Scenarios subscription as my free organized play subscription, so I'm unsure why I was charged.

Thank you for your help!

I had the following items in my sidecart:

- Gamemastery Guide (subscription)
- Lost Omens World Guide (subscription)
- Lost Omens Character Guide
- PF2 Metal Pin

I just now opted to ship the two non-subscription items without waiting for the next subscription shipment; however, the two subscription items have disappeared from my sidecart as well. I'm not sure what this means!

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Although Pathfinder 2e is my new go-to system, I still have a long-standing group of players that much prefers OSR rulesets (think rehashes and creative takes on 1970s D&D). My favorite OSR ruleset is The Black Hack by David Black, which I've been using to run Pathfinder Adventures and Adventure Paths. It works like an absolute charm! I don't need to do extensive prep, I get even more use out of my investments, and I have the chance to get more familiar with locations and plotlines for when I run them in Pathfinder (OSR games tend to move at a comparatively faster pace).

In what ways have you successfully used Pathfinder products to supplement non-Pathfinder efforts? Or, what have you pillaged from other products and successfully implemented in Pathfinder?

I just started my Lost Omens subscription, which is my fifth subscription; I already had the PFS subscription. I saw under the Paizo Advantage I get the Society subscription for free with four qualifying subscriptions. Is my Society subscription now free, or am I still paying for it?

Thank you!

One of my monsters targeted a PC with a trip attack and got a critical success. There was a PC Champion adjacent to the targeted PC, who activated Glimpse of Redemption.

I ruled that the Champion could not activate Glimpse of Redemption because I felt it was against the spirit of the rules. Why should the monster be punished for a damaging effect that only occurs on a critical success? A trip attack with a normal success doesn't deal damage at all.

One could argue that it was the ground dealing the damage, not the monster. I don't like to use that argument, but you see my point.

This seems like a niche case, but I'm asking for feedback on this ruling because I wasn't considering its system-wide implications at the time. I'm sure there are damaging effects that occur on critical successes to which Glimpse of Redemption can apply.

I have a PC Champion who is almost always refocusing and casting lay on hands throughout exploration. I think it's the player's right to sacrifice exploration capability to regain focus points; he can't use tactics or interact meaningfully with his environment while refocusing.

However, the player argued that he can continually refocus and cast lay on hands during downtime, which would allow him to rapidly recover everyone's hit points. This doesn't seem right.

Is there something about how focus spells interact with the exploration and downtime systems that I'm missing? What's stopping a PC that can cast healing spells with their focus points from constantly churning out the heals?

Hi! Can I remove the Lost Omens Character Guide from my sidecart?

Thank you!

Are there any good Pathfinder-oriented podcasts out there that are NOT actual-play podcasts, and are updated fairly regularly? I've been looking for RPG discussion/news podcasts for a while, and figure a system as popular as Pathfinder would have something like what I'm looking for!

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I'm sure someone's asked this by now, but I couldn't find a thread, so I'll put it out there:

RotRL was one of my favorite campaigns I've ever run, but we only got so far before we stopped about 7 years ago. I want to pick it back up again with the same players now that my passion for Pathfinder has been rekindled.

Does anybody have super quick-and-dirty recommendations for converting RotRL to PF2? I don't think I have the patience for a full hack, nor do I think many people do. Like, if you had three main points, what would you do to hack it?