Sleeping Human

stigand's page

Organized Play Member. 35 posts (529 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 8 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

Would a druid be able to cast shillelagh on a halfling sling staff? The staff is able to double as a club.

Every so often I receive below error when saving an alias editing. Win 8.1(64), newest Firefox (59.0-64bit):

You backtracked too far.
The application backtracking limit of 30 has been exceeded.

Also clicking on "How to format you text" button does nothing for me.

I have the core and strategy guide but was wondering what other books had things for druids. Saw that Faiths of Balance had "An overview of the ancient Green Faith, to which many druids still hold."

Requesting to have orders 3286932, 3507321, and Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subscription cancelled.

Just noticed my order was done with a credit card that was no longer active. Tried changing the card in the My Payments Section, but it wouldn't update. Will this order need to be canceled for me to update the info in the My Payments Section? Then re-order after getting it updated?

Sent an email Monday morning, but didn't hear back. I didn't receive my Horsechopper +1 promo card from the order. Looked in the Sins of the Saviors box and dumped out all the peanuts on the floor.

The following products are included in this shipment:
1 x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game?Promo Card: Horsechopper +1~
1 x Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Sins of the Saviors (Rise of the Runelords Adventure Deck 5)