starchildren3317's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 74 posts (92 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone know if Starfinder is going to be a loot based system akin to Pathfinder? Explore > find better gear > defeat more difficult challenges and so on.

I just created a new Aether Kineticist using HeroLab. I'm not using any homebrew or other options outside of core paizo rules.

HeroLab is calculating the damage from my Kinetic Blast as 1d6+7. I would expect this to be 1d6+5 so I cant figure out where HeroLab has come up with the additional +2.

Any ideas?

Screenshot of the character sheet:

So I just picked up the Occult Adventures in preparation for a new campaign my gaming group is starting up next week. I've decided I'd like to give the Kineticist with the Aether element a try.

I have a couple of questions about how some of the infusions work, just so I understand them really.

1. Kinetic Blade

Kinetic Blade:
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You form a weapon using your kinetic abilities. You create a nonreach,
light or one-handed weapon in your hand formed of pure
energy or elemental matter. (If you’re a telekineticist, you instead
transfer the power of your kinetic blast to any object held in one
hand.) The kinetic blade’s shape is purely cosmetic and doesn’t
affect the damage dice, critical threat range, or critical multiplier
of the kinetic blade, nor does it grant the kinetic blade any weapon
special features. The object held by a telekineticist for this form
infusion doesn’t prevent her from using gather power.
You can use this form infusion once as part of an attack action,
a charge action, or a full-attack action in order to make melee
attacks with your kinetic blade. Since it’s part of another action
(and isn’t an action itself), using this wild talent doesn’t provoke
any additional attacks of opportunity. The kinetic blade deals
your kinetic blast damage on each hit (applying any modifiers
to your kinetic blast’s damage as normal, but not your Strength
modifier). The blade disappears at the end of your turn. The
weapon deals the same damage type that your kinetic blast
deals, and it interacts with Armor Class and spell resistance as
normal for a blast of its type. Even if a telekineticist uses this
power on a magic weapon or another unusual object, the attack
doesn’t use any of the magic weapon’s bonuses or effects and
simply deals the telekineticist’s blast damage. The kinetic blade
doesn’t add the damage bonus from elemental overflow.

A. So is the point of this infusion just to make it so that you can use your kinetic blast as a melee attack?

B. When you use this infusion, I'm assuming you don't get to deal the damage of your kinetic blast for the actual blast and the damage for the infusion, correct? You basically just deal your normal kinetic blast damage but it is delivered as a melee attack instead of a ranged attack?

2. Kinetic Fist

Kinetic Fist:
Element universal; Type form infusion; Level 1; Burn 1
Associated Blasts any
Saving Throw none
You surround your body with energy or elemental matter from
your kinetic abilities. You can use this form infusion as part of
an attack action, a charge action, or a full-attack action to add
damage to each of your natural attacks and unarmed strikes
until the beginning of your next turn. Since kinetic fist is part
of another action, using this wild talent doesn’t provoke any
additional attack of opportunity. You deal an additional 1d6
points of damage per 3 dice of your kinetic blast’s damage
(minimum 1d6), and this damage is of the same type
as your kinetic blast’s damage. This extra damage
ignores spell resistance and doesn’t apply any
modifiers to your kinetic blast’s damage, such
as your Constitution modifier.

A. Sort of the same line of thought as my first question, does this infusion basically just allow you to deliver your kinetic blast as an unarmed attack?

B. Would damage be your unarmed attack damage + the additional 1d6 for this infusion?

Goblin Squad Member

As far as ranged attacks goes, I like the future plans for needing ammo, line of sight, and arcane spell failure; however, with the changes to the monster's hit points, wont the buff they give to melee attacks not truly be realized, and in fact, the pain will be worsened when they turn that buff off.

Example: To offset the fact that ammo, line of sight, and arcane spell failure wont be released for at least a couple more months, they are going to buff melee attacks; removing the melee attack buff in the future.

Ryan understands that there will certainly be pain felt to the melee attackers when the buff is removed, but I think that is fine, as the pain will be across the board because range attacks got more difficult at the same time.

However, they are also giving monsters more Hit Points. Now by increasing the amount of Hit Points for monsters, you are essentially negating the melee attack buff that you are giving, at least for PvE (depending, of course, on the amount of HP increase and the amount of melee attack buff given).

So once you remove that melee attack buff, wont it then be felt twice as hard?

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Is there anyone that I could commission an Oak and Steel Splint to be made for me? Prefer +2 but would take a +1.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Looking to buy an account. Would prefer if the account had stashed unused XP.

Please PM if you have an account you wish to part with.


Liberty's Edge

If someone gets a free Bull Rush attempt as part of an attack but does not have improved bull rush, does it provoke?

Liberty's Edge

Description of bluff:

Situation: I attempted to convince a fellow party member that another PC was actually an impostor. (It was a unique situation where my alignment was briefly turned CE. We recently had a couple of party deaths coincide with assassin attacks and a new PC entering our party claiming to be a follower of Desna, which was true, but some of the party members already had doubts - all role-play stuff)

I successfully bluff the party member convincing them that this new party member is actually an impostor and could be working for the assassins.

A second party member made his sense motive and was not convinced.

The second party member who was not convinced offered to the convinced party member that he did not believe me. The convinced party member than decided to believe the non-convinced party member rather than accept what I was saying was true under the Bluff description. This was within 1 round and no roll was made to 're-convince' the convinced party member that I was lying.

How would you suggest handling this situation? There is not an actual duration on how long you would believe nor does it say anything about how to end the bluff and determine truth.

Any thoughts would be great!

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Huge thanks Grimmel!

Now that I have the alpha invite and have bound it to my account, how do I download the client? Should I wait until the new build is ready from gobworks? But even then, where will I download that build?


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

EE backer here eagerly awaiting my Alpha invite. I've seen mentioned the concept of threading several times on the forums and I'm not quite sure what it is. I'm gathering it has something to do with item durability?

Liberty's Edge

Sooooo I'm pretty excited! After almost a year in the making, I've launched my very first game on Kickstarter and just had to share the excitement with you all my fellow pathfinder enthusiasts: red-game-with-a-twist

RE:VERSUS is a family friendly card game where you are in a race against your opponent to be the first to score 100 points. While scoring your own points using unique double faced cards, you are also stealing points from your opponent, manipulating the cards in your opponent’s hand, and even switching points with your opponent.

I'd love to hear what you all think. Feedback is most certainly appreciated. Feel free to ask any questions you like too!

Liberty's Edge

If you have the helpless condition can you cast a spell? What if it was a silent spell that was only verbal?

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

My play group uses the massive damage optional rule. Question: Will Breath of Life work to bring someone back from the dead that died from Massive Damage?
Does Massive Damage even have a type, like death effect?

Thanks in Advance!

Liberty's Edge

Deliver (DC 15): The animal takes an object (one you or an ally gives it, or that it recovers with the fetch trick) to a place or person you indicate. If you indicate a place, the animal drops the item and returns to you. If you indicate a person, the animal stays adjacent to the person until the item is taken. (Retrieving an item from an animal using the deliver trick is a move action.)

Question: No where can I find in the rules does it say you need to show the animal where the person or place is. The animal takes it to the person or place you indicate. So if you were a new arrival in a town and instruct an animal to deliver s message to a guard, could the animal do that?

Liberty's Edge

Question: if you have taken ability damage down to, lets say a 2 Con. And then you take HP damage to -3. Are you dead because your con damage is 2 or do you still go into negs to what your Con actually is (without the damage)?


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Curious if the backer survey has come out yet. I just want to be sure that I haven't missed it. The email I received when we got funded said it would be out in a few days but I have not seen anything yet.


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

If there is one thing that I believe much of the MMO Community can agree upon is that it is difficult to develop game that can please everyone. The risk of trying to do so can result in a game that feels uncommitted; one that tries to offer a balance of too many play styles and thus never truly excels at any one thing.

The one item that really sticks out to me and that shows up on most all MMO Community forums pre-launch is the ever exhausted debate between casual and hardcore players/content. I’ve been playing MMOs since the spring of 2000, perhaps not as long as some, but I have certainly been around the block long enough to see many of these trends in the industry. Likewise, I have played my fair share of MMOs – too many to probably remember every title that I have given a go.

Recently, I was playing the Diablo 3 beta and saw some game designs that I thought if implemented into an MMO could perhaps come closer to bridging the gap. One thing that I noticed from playing this, ‘soon to be released’, game is that encounters dynamically scale in difficulty depending on group size. So for example, I can log in and start playing the game right away, I don’t have to wait for anyone else to enjoy the game I am paying for; and if I wish, I can play the game completely solo. If friends of mine log in, I can invite them to my group, and instantly the encounters scale in challenge. The more people who join my group, the more challenging the encounter. So if my play style is group oriented, the game would support this as well.

To go along with this philosophy, the more challenging the encounter (the more people I have in my group), then the better chance at greater rewards. I worded it this way because I know that at first glance, those who prefer soloing might be put off by the fact that they would still have to group to get the best rewards. I don’t think this has to be the case, there could be a smaller chance for greater rewards while soloing. But certainly, the chance of greater rewards would go to those who take more risk. I think this design could fit well into the design philosophy in what we have read in Ryan’s latest blog, under Security, Risk and Reward.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I am thinking of running my first module for society play. I have chosen Mask of the Living God.

In the Pathfinder Module: Mask of the Living God Pathfinder Organized Play PDF that details the rules for running the module in Pathfinder Society it says the following:

Conditions, Death, and Expendables
Whether playing one’s own PC or an alternate version of
another character, no conditions (including death) carry
beyond the end of a module. Likewise, any wealth spent or
resources expended during the course of the adventure are
considered unspent upon the module’s completion.

I am a bit confused about the above statement as it applies to how society scenarios are typically run.

Is this really saying that if your society PC dies within this module than he actually did not die?

Are society PCs getting to use the expendables that they have for free, and in fact, make free purchases?

I am sure that I am totally missing something here and that my above questions are not the case but I thought it best to come here for an answer to my question rather than making any assumptions.

Thanks in advance!

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Curious if there are rules for being able to extract poison from monsters you have recently killed who use it?

For example, my party recently killed some giant scorpions. I am a poisoner rogue. The DM allowed me to use my Craft Alchemy skill to extract it because we couldn't find any rules for it during the game.

I told the DM I would come here and pose the question in case we over looked something and there is a rule out there for it.

Liberty's Edge

Our group has a question surrounding the Leadership feat. One of our players is wondering if a certain Cohort is not working out if it can be dismissed and if you could then get another one?

We couldn't find anything within the core rule books on this.

Any of you have any insight on this?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Liberty's Edge

28 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have a fighter using the two handed fighter archetype from the advanced players guide.
I am curious if it is possible to use Overhand Chop ability with the Cleave feat? Overhand Chop says when you take a single attack but cleave kicks in when you hit with an attack. I imagined that you would get the Overhand Chop bonus on the original attack but not on the extra attack from Cleave.
Similarly, does Vital Strike work with Cleave

Much thanks ahead of time!

Liberty's Edge

just need a clarification on this. Our group is using the death from massive damage option.

This week we had a character fail the Fort save and die from massive damage. However, after the death he still wasn't in negative hit points. Would Breath of Life still work on this character? Does your character need to be dead due to negative hit points in order for Breath of Life to work?

Thanks in advance.

Liberty's Edge

This is the highest level I have ever gotten a druid and I'm looking for some advice from some of you druid vets out there.

Now that I am level 8 I can Beast Shape 3, Elemental Body 2, Plant Form 1.

I want to hear some recommendations from some of you as good DPS choices for forms to shape shift in to now. Once I hit 6th level I was having fun as a Dire Lion, especially seeing as my animal companion is a Lion.

I am looking specifically for a good combo of number of attacks and damage.

Thanks for the suggestions!

Liberty's Edge

I know that you need a concentration check to cast a spell while grappled; however, do you also provoke and attack of opportunity from the grappler?


Liberty's Edge

If I take the Weapon Focus feat could I choose natural attacks as a weapon type or does it have to be specified as claw or bite ect.?

Reason why I am asking is I would like to take Weapon Focus and have it be usable while I am wild shaped into something as a druid. What would be the best way to do this?

Thanks for the advice, answers

Liberty's Edge

I am new to playing a druid and was wondering if some of you Druid veterans could keep me honest.

Specifically, I am confused as to what stats/abilities/skills/ect. that I use when I wild shape. Am I using everything from the new form or a mix of my stats and the new form? Anyone able to give me the quick and dirty so that I know what I am doing when I wild shape.

Thanks so much!

Liberty's Edge

I am a bit confused with a druid's animal companion attacks and was wondering if anyone could help me out with the rule.

I thought that I read that Animal Companions use thier full attack. So for a Large Cat that would be 1 bit and 2 claws. However, animal companions also dont get multi attack until level 9. So does this mean that a Large Cat's other two attacks would both be at a -5?
