sstout1's page

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Ok, back on the subject of the thread. In my play tests the BigE is more powerful than the melee classes when buffed. Our solution was to change the "options" he recieves to a tier system rather than a point buy. It keeps the stronger abilites in line with rest of the party somewhat. Another option we have thought about was giving the summoner the choice at creation of taking the Sla or the "pet". This would bring the class more in line to others without weakening it substantialy. Constructive thoughts?

Hmm What would I like to see. I would like to see the 3.x books updated and released in one single book ( 1 book of spells, 1 of base classes,1 of prestige, items , feats, etc). Being able to look in one book not 10 to find something would be nice. Psionics and epic of course but everyone is looking for those. Maybe a book of cultures for those looking to play in another setting (rules to convert to asian, arabian, african, etc all in one book). I want to have 1 core book that cover an entire category clearly and cleanly. A lot of the races/ Prestige classes released in 3.x could be combined to make a better playable class with selectable choices (example :dragon shaman and marshal are almost the same in terms of their auras. combine them to 1 class with a selectable path ala sorcerer). I feel this approace is better for the community because we would have the choice to include only those books that we will use.

As far as number a year 2-4 sounds good to me.

Just my thought.

Hmm.. If I could chage on thing it would be channel energy.

My biggest issue with it it the "healing battery" it gives partys. I would change the healing effect to half its value (maxing out at 5 die at 20). It simply gives to much healing to groups and promotes less thought and more reckless behavior. ie lets rush the dragon the cleric can channel and heal us if he breaths. This is also a simple fix to implement. The damage vs undead has worked well so far in playtest so I wouldn't change its value.