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Goblin Squad Member. 25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Invisible Blade states that "whenever a ninja uses the vanishing trick ninja trick, she is treated as if she were under the effects of greater invisibility."

My question is can I still use the effects of regular Invisibility as opposed to Greater Invisibility if I choose? If I am doing stealth and nothing combat-related, I would rather use regular Invisibility for the minute per level duration as opposed to round per level. It doesn't make sense that my ninja suddenly gets less powerful at stealth at 10th level when I take Invisible Blade.

The holy lance ability from the good domain requires a standard action to use - however doing so makes the weapon's holy ability useless for the round you initiate it. Even worse, if you use it non-consecutively, you are wasting another round every time you use it. It seems to me that this ability should be used as a free action for it to be useful.