sjk1000's page

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Ravingdork wrote:
If you cast then move to a different square, and the GM is still tracking you without the aid of see invisibility or a similar effect, then he is cheating you out of your spells/creative tactics.

oh, even better, thanks Ravingdork!

Great, thanks guys. I thought it made sense. I'm still waiting for the nerfbat on my entirely useful L0 Message spell so I'll pick my moment to raise this one :D

Hi all
In my last game I'd cast a Greater Invisibility on myself, spread my magnificently feathery celestial wings and was tossing magic missiles at a fire temple priestess like a mad thing. My intention was to cast then move, cast then move, etc. so that I was never in the location that the magic missile was released from when she tried to attack back. The GM believed that each attack gave my location away and the priestess would still be able to target spells back to my square, albeit with reduced effectiveness because of the Greater Invisibilty.

Is there a way I can cast THEN move and keep my location totally hidden?

I guess, without the wings, I could achieve the same thing, or somewhat better, on the ground using Haste with Greater Invisibility.

Thanks for your help,