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Hi, I've read some other posts about natural attacks and I'm still confused.

If a creature has bite and 2 claws, can it use the full attack option to make 3 attacks in a round? Since bite and claw are both primary attacks, does the creature get it's full attack bonus on each of 3 attacks? For example, a ghoul (CR 1) gets 3 attacks a round at +3/+3/+3 to hit?

My group's druid has an ape animal companion. It seems wrong that a level 1 character would effectively have 4 attacks (1 for the druid). The ape would get 3 attacks at +2/+2/+2?

At level 4, the ape becomes large as well. 3 attacks at +8/+8/+8 at level 4? Does that mean that all of its attacks have reach as well (bite too?)

At level 9 the ape gets multiattack but how does that work?

Multiattack: An animal companion gains Multiattack as
a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does
not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite
three or more natural attacks, the animal companion
instead gains a second attack with one of its natural
weapons, albeit at a –5 penalty.

Multiattack (Combat)
This creature is particularly skilled at making attacks
with its natural weapons.
Prerequisite: Three or more natural attacks.
Benefit: The creature’s secondary attacks with natural
weapons take only a –2 penalty.
Normal: Without this feat, the creature’s secondary
attacks with natural weapons take a –5 penalty.

So does the ape get 4 attacks at +12/+12/+12/+7? That can't be right. A level 9 fighter only gets 2 attacks. My guess is that you can only make one primary attack even if you make a full attack. Especially if you consider that there's a druid attached to this beatstick too. Please help!