Gold Dragon

shammond42's page

Goblin Squad Member. RPG Superstar 6 Season Dedicated Voter. Organized Play Member. 30 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 Organized Play characters.

I notice that Neo4J was listed as a desired skill in the Paizo Software Developer job listing,

I've looked at using the graph database to model things in the medical space at my current job. The relationship between a drug and a symptom is interesting along its edge. Is the drug a treatment for the symptom or is the symptom a side effect of the drug.

I am very curious how Paizo uses a graph database, if you don't mind sharing.


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I've been running a campaign in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings and Irrisen for a while now, and I have been using material from the Midgard Northlands supplement from Kobold Press. I thought my conversion notes and expansions might be interesting to people playing Reign of Winter so I started putting them up on my blog, Lost Papyrus. The first article is about the using the Hyperborean Race in Golarion.

Feedback and comments are appreciated.

Our group has been working through the Age of Worms AP, mostly online, for a couple of years now. We decided to travel to Toronto for Memorial Day Weekend to play one of the climactic encounters face to face.

As we planned the weekend, we jokingly called it Ice Con. When we arrived our host had this banner made for us. We may be the smallest con going this weekend (7 people), but our banner is awesome.

Here is a better picture of our group portrait.

Thanks jasharen. Please don't kill us tonight.

I thought the pit of screaming ghosts was one of the coolest encounters I've ever used, so I wanted to make something to help the players visualize it. Some pink insulation foam, gaming paper, campaign coins and reaper minis set a pretty effective scene, that I thought I would share. Pictures are here.


My players enjoy unusual magic items, and as they near the end of the House of the Beast, I am thinking about incorporating some of the items from this years RPG Superstar into the Adventure Path. Here's my ideas so far.

Poisoner's Retort


One of the character's has really taken to Alchemy (though she's not using the Alchemist class). She has gone into business with Undrella, trying to drive Zastoran out of business and buy the Infusium from him. She would love this item. I'm going to put it in Madfang's lab. We know from the adventure that the Gnolls are using poison. In addition to harvesting it from the giant scorpion, Madfang is using this device. Given the way the rest of the AP goes, I don't think I need to eliminate another item to maintain game balance. This will go more to the RP back in Kelmarane.

Plentiful Pouch


The party doesn't have a druid, but I'm thinking this item might be useful when they get to Kakishon. I'm thinking about putting it on some skeletal remains in the Garden of Stone Speakers. It would work with the magic almonds allowing the party to take some with them. I actually, like the idea that maybe the Almond tree came from planting a plentiful pouch. But that would imply that who ever was trapped in the garden had two of them, and I'm not sure how to get that information to the players in a way that makes them go "oh? cool." Still thinking.

Alchemist's Viper


I like this item a lot, I've got the perfect treasure item card for it, and the snake them fits in well with the desert them of the AP. I'm wrestling with where to include it. I could possibly give it to the gnoll sorcerer Shiz near the beginning of the "Jackel's Price" or just have it for sale in Katapesh. OTOH, this seems like the sort of unusual magic the players would hope to find in Kakishon, so maybe it will be found there. I need to read that module in more depth to see where it might fit best.

Iron Bands of the Blue Dragon


One of my players is playing an elemental bloodline (air) sorceress. That was too cool to pass up, so she is actually the great^n grand daughter of Nefeshti and Andrathi. She's just starting to figure that out. I like the lightning movement/attack ability of the item. I may rework it into a necklace that once belonged to Nefeshti. Andrathi may have left it in Kakishon, or perhaps Jhavul got it and it is in the treasure rooms of his palace. Oh, better. Shazathared has it. It was payment from Nefeshti for a favor long before Jhavul imprisoned her. That coincidence is kind of stretching things, but it would give me an opportunity to feed the player more information about her great^n Grandmother before meeting her in the last part of the AP.

Any feedback or other ideas are welcome. I was taken by how many of this years items were usable in the adventure path. Can't wait to see how it plays out.