So my Boy Scout troop has a campout every month and i thought it might be cool to bring the beginner box on a campout and let a few people play it while I DM. At the campouts we'll usually run no-material RPGs which pretty much turn into a weird puzzle, and it gets really effed up when one of the younger kids tries to DM(i dont mean like 5th grade young, i mean any kids who joined the troop after me). I think that we might be able to run the entire adventure in one campout considering my two friends made characters and beat it in about two 2.5-hour sessions. I mentioned it to a friend in the troop and he thought it was an amazing idea. One kid in my troop is a well-seasoned RPG player and another is a slightly seasoned DM so if they're present the game should be able to run smoothly. This would be great since the other players need to learn a proper RPG, plus the lack of a tavern prevents them from banging every chick in sight. I think that at least one of the players would be competent, but i know one or two will probably have to be dragged through the dungeon.
I would like to know several things.
1.should i bring BB on a campout.
2.If so how many should play(i was thinking 3-5 not counting myself).
3.Should i use pregens or not.
4.Should i use the downloadable extras or not since i'm not sure if i want varying characters or quickly made ones
5.Should i do the downloadable mine adventure
6.Should i quickly make another adventure when they finish the first.