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you could just lace your clothing with lead, it not like detect evil is beyond some simple nonmagical remedies.

thank you for the great ideas, I most definitely will be taking paladin to second level. I had actually never thought that a paladin who lost faith but hadn't lost his ideal wouldn't lose his divine favor.

as far as I can see the ability is actually a dressed up, powered down version of the paladin ability to make there sword magical for a short period of time. I feel that in the name of balance I understand why they did what they did, I just wonder why not make the weapon become more sturdier with higher wizard levels.

as far as I can see the ability is actually a dressed up, powered down version of the paladin ability to make there sword magical for a short period of time. I feel that in the name of balance I understand why they did what they did, I just wonder why not make the weapon become more sturdier with higher wizard levels.

I have a question what about zero level scrolls, the book states that it is considered a masterwork short sword but it would have zero hp?

Dabbler wrote:
Well, paladins do not necessarily get their power from their gods ... you can be a godless paladin. So perhaps after a period of your character restoring his faith in himself, he will regain his paladin abilities.

true though it is hard to justify the actual benefit of one level of paladin, I had intended for the levels in monk to represent more of an extreme self reliance rather than relying on fickle deities. I was also wondering if anyone had any other ideas for what class I should go for seeing as the only thing that I mostly have set in stone is the basic outline of the story

I haven't had a chance to take a close look at the Qiggong monk though it is definatly on the top of my to do list for the creation of my character.

as for the dead level, I have been thinking of dropping it, and it literally does nothing but remind me on my character sheet where he is coming from. so I am not really dead set on the dead level.

the party in my campaign is starting off at circa 3rd level I will be starting off with one dead level of paladin to represent the fact that he was actually part of the order, and then after a faith shaking event he comes to the realization that the gods are not god, and sets off to disprove the godhead, though he no longer has faith he still believes in he previous ideals. after wandering the world he finally gets excepted by a monastery and becomes a monk. after completing his initial training he sets of to attempt to find the source of the divine spark.

the problem that I am having is that I cannot choose how to build my monk right now I am thinking either, lotus/ healing hand/ ki mystic,
or ki mystic/ healing hand/ four winds. I know that it is stretching the rules seeing as the healing hand overlaps on both the four winds and the lotus, though due to the nature of the healing hand abilities my DM has decided to allow the mix.

I like the four winds because it represents an external control of the world through his understanding of the universe, and also a loss of humanity once he gain aspect

but I also like the lotus because it represent more of an internal struggle, an attempt to bring peace to not only himself but those around him.