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Aeric nods his head in understanding, orders an ale, and slips back into the shadows.

Still have room for one more? I am new to DW, and also to PBP. But have been really wanting to try both.

In the darkest corner of the inn, sat Aeric. Hidden in his robes, blending with the shadows. Not wanting to draw attention to himself. But watching, listening, observing everything happening in the common room.

Aeric had first learned to harness the power of magic as an apprentice not far from here. His master occupied a small farmhouse and tower a few hours south of Norwhich.

Recently Aeric had learned of his masters passing. And came back to say his final respects. At least thats what he told himself, and any others that would ask. But Aeric had hidden intentions. His master had a great library and a large collection of magical artifacts. Aeric had hoped to obtain some of those items to further his own magic collection. But his hopes were crushed. His masters collection had been taken over by an old rival, another of his masters pupils.

Aeric is Scott B's elven wizard. He would prefer to be alone, but realizes being part of a group will widen his chances of expanding his own powers