sc24evr's page

27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I just bought the base set and I was wondering if it is possible to beat the game with a single character (or fun)? If so, is there a character you recommend?

I plan on playing solo and I would like to use as few characters as possible so that I don't end up confusing myself.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hopefully this thread isn't out of line but I had a question about what is the fastest and cheapest way of obtaining the next adventure pack. On the price seems to be at $15 but it says it comes out in November. While here the price seems to be 19.99 but with 20% off with subscription, does it include S/H? What are you all doing when it comes to preordering? Thank you in advance.

As a fairly new RPG player, I have been having some trouble figuring out what factors I should be considering when I pick a feat. For instance, I am playing as the rouge and I am not pretty sure I know how all the skills would affect the game (other than dexterity). What factors do you guys consider in picking a feat? Thank you!!

My question is, can you use a card that "reduces combat damage" if that damage is being brought to you by the power of a monster. Some monsters do damage before the encounter. Sometimes the power of the monster states that the damage may not be reduced but sometimes it doesn't state that. IT would seem to me that you can't ever use a "reduces combat damage" card to reduce the damage from a power of a monster, but only damage dealt from the combat check. Any thoughts?

Since there are many experienced players in this forum, I was wondering what your favorite character to play solo as has been? What are your likes/dislikes for your character? Thank you.