Kalindlara wrote:
Prepping this for next Friday, in a convention's 6-10:30. The comments here are not giving me much confidence...
It's rough, part of it is that all three names are pronounced pretty much the same(technically jax and jacks ARE pronounced the same). so when speaking the scenario instead of reading it, confusion WILL run rampant. I'd suggest little cards with their spelling on it so you can hold them up, and emphasize little differences in each name. Also there is almost too much to do in town and too long for them to do it before stuff starts happening, stretching the first part out, where it is actually impossible for them to actually accomplish anything other then raising the awareness, isn't very fun.
I would suggest a gather information roll right after they get out into town to learn the 'important locations' where the people they are looking for frequent. (perhaps playing up the names a bit here... oh JACKS! I thought you meant JAX! sorry he hangs out more at...) Also either a Cheat sheet for the locations and who hangs out there, or encouraging the players to write it down themselves will be VERY helpful for this module. And if I were going to do this one again, I would DEFINITELY make cheat sheets for the factions for the players to refer to during the module.
This one will need a lot of prep, and be prepared for your players to be confused and or lost on what to do next more then a little bit, so I hope it goes well for you.