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Organized Play Member. 15 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


Not plant creatures but actual plants. How out of all of the magic in first edition would you bring a tree back to life?

So far I've only got Polymorph any object turn a dead tree to a living one but anyone got anyother ideas?

Thank you so much for your input I really like your 6 step program!

Running a campaign right now and one of the characters has a drinking problem, One of the npcs is a priest of Cadyden that they interact with all the time and I made a joke about dragging their character to an AA meeting They sounded really excited about the idea so now I've got to run it. Question is does anyone have any ideas what the twelve-step program looks like run by a god of drinking and freedom?

Whatever flavor of create pit + Create Deadfall

Make the deadfall 10' by 10' and watch it go splat from outside the pit

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"Why yes bought the Human bane Chellish seeking Asmodian slaying dagger and I dare say that its your fault for being such a stereotype that we find ourselves in this situation Mr. Hellknight "


Smelling Salts

Source PRG:APG

These sharply scented gray crystals cause people inhaling them to regain consciousness. Smelling salts grant you a new saving throw to resist any spell or effect that has already rendered you unconscious or staggered. If exposed to smelling salts while dying, you immediately become conscious and staggered, but must still make stabilization checks each round; if you perform any standard action (or any other strenuous action) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act and fall unconscious again. A container of smelling salts has dozens of uses if stoppered after each use, but depletes in a matter of hours if left opened.

is the first thing that springs to mind

Daw wrote:

Bross, Reincarnate is NOT a polymorph effect. You are being born into a new body.

You keep class abilities, which would include bloodline, per RAW.

As Wraithstrike accurately pointed out, This is Not a Rules question.. This is a discussion of an interesting interpretation of the spell. By definition, anything here is a matter of taste. You cannot be RIGHT here, any more than I can. We do not have to prove anything to you, since we aren't trying to posit that this is a universally correct interpretation.

I do disagree with your base assumption that this is a polymorph affect. The transmutation element of the spell is, "The magic of the spell creates an entirely new young adult body for the soul to inhabit from the natural elements at hand." I

If you don't like the idea, fine, we aren't trying to force it on you.

Okay but I'm not saying it is. I don't know where you got that from me activity saying that's not what I'm talking about in both of my previous posts in the first bloody line

I have never said it is a polymorph effect I have said the closest thing to this spell is spells that fall under that heading. I am fully agreeing with what your saying what I was trying to say is that if it was not clear in the text of the spell we are looking at (Which it is) That spells that create the same effect as a base rule would still support our position.


Rules clear. No say Polymorph. Offer support not argument for no bloodline stays.

Kileanna wrote:

It's not close because a polymorph spell doesn't change your creature type at all. An elf polymorphed as a human will still be immune to sleep because he's still an elf.

An elf reincarnated into a human would lose his sleep immunity because he's no longer an elf.
In this context, it changes everything, as let's say a Tiefling with an Abyssal bloodline under a polymorph effect would still be a Tiefling, only with a different appearance, so there's no chance he could lose the bloodline.

If You'd care to supply a closer example that talks about the effects of magic and creature type that would be excellent. Otherwise as a second source talking about changes to a body potentially removing class features this would be the source and it backs us as a collective up on saying that magic is not an aspect of the body.

Kileanna wrote:

Bross, you're mistaking polymorph with reincarnate.

Dragons polymorph, which doesn't change their creature type. Reincarnation changes the creature type. So it's not the same at all.
A polymorphed creature is a creature of its type who has adopted a new shape, but a reincarnated creature is for all intents and purposes a creature of its new type.

I'm not mistaking the spells but was comparing it to the nearest grouping of spells, the ones that actually change your body and as a subtype have the rule

Polymorph effects wrote:
While under the effects of a polymorph spell, you lose all extraordinary and supernatural abilities that depend on your original form (such as keen senses, scent, and darkvision), as well as any natural attacks and movement types possessed by your original form. You also lose any class features that depend upon form, but those that allow you to add features (such as sorcerers that can grow claws) still function.

Mainly because its the closest thing to what were looking for in RAW

Reincarnation simply means reforming the same body into a different shape dragons frequently do so and get it on with everything and anything that moves that's the premise of how some sorcs get there power, that said there body being fundamentally turned into an adult humans for all intents and purposes ( Which silver dragons do a lot ) doesn't leave them stuck without powers. Even when a dragons power is base off how old they are.

Basically magical bloodlines are potential. You learn how to leverage it without a lot of effort unlike others but its still innate, I mean that be like saying ghosts can't have a bloodline

I'd rule that the limitation for dragoon weapons is they need to be used with cartridges the payload of being of no concern and if you swap out the mechanisms for scatter and load the ammo then more power to you

Reads "is considered a natural lycanthrope so remove disease has no effect"

Whenever you cast a bloodrager or sorcerer spell that deals damage, you can increase its maximum number of damage dice by an amount equal to your Strength or Charisma modifier

produce flames not on either of those classes spell lists its a totally separate spell like ability so it doesn't function currently for your player.

Doppleman wrote:

Also, I was wondering. Are there normal soldiers in Mendev or all of them are considered "Crusaders"?

Sorta depends on what you define as normal, as mentioned mercs are more common then crusaders, Crusader is sorta anyone who's going off to the front lines of the world wound. Without a doubt the leadership such as it is are lawful good ready to fight to the last breath.

Its also where you send your third son who can't keep his "Sword" sheathed before he gets himself killed, or where you export all "criminals" in your kingdom (which happens being in a swamp to be the bar you rule) to serve the good knights as penitence.

There's a massive rank and file to the crusades, personally I'd buff my knowledge local before you left the army you had buddies from all over, they told you about home in the stories everyone told to forget about the day they just had

Let them all do it. Trick is they all do it at once acting as one so the test changes, the stone gives divinity it doesn't care if its one person or many. Everyone touches the stone. Everyone is together.

Add a series of tests and then make them each make a choice if they save themselves or the party as the final choice. Someone says no then eject them under some pretense with shit tons of cash so they can buy there way into defeating your big bad. Everyone says yeah and you make them as a group a god.

Everyone gets mythic if you want to represent it in game and the OOC they feel the compulsion to GTFO that other gods did they get there end of game choice, they know they have just enough time to goto the final boss and finish that up before they need to make the final decision, split up and never reunite; go back to whatever they have outside of adventure or fine something new (Retire characters) or become collectively a god where you get the domains based of there characters as well as community and the god moves to take its place in the multiverse appearing in its "aspects" of the party to others, a whole new god if your group plays again in the future