sanmateo |
We just finised the Blackwall Keep adventure. My three person playing group is running Age of Worms with an all-kobold party. So, we have...
Names given are their Common names, which they adopted out of hand when they arrived at Diamond Lake and have little or no relation to their Draconic names. Also my players randomly rolled personality archetypes/traits and pretty much play them to the hilt (because I give roleplaying experience rewards).
"Gutter" - Kobold Barbarian; died at the hands of the Ebon Aspect in the Three Faces of Evil adventure. The party sorceress was down and dying and the brave little guy was in full Rage and trying his best to put the Ebon Aspect down so the thief would be free to stabilize her. He had +10 hp from his barbarian rage and even when he was down to 3 hit points he kept fighting, knowing that going k.o. would mean his death.
Gutter got challenger as his archetype with boastful and violent as personality traits. Which, of course, was just perfect.
RIP, Gutter.
"Toerag" - Kobold Fighter/Thief; a two-weapon fighter who's only been ko'd once so far. In fact she's consistently been the one who stablizes those that do and heals them, even making good use of "use magic device" on a wand at only third level. Bets were that she'd be the one to survive to the end of the adventure path without dying. Now, though, we're starting to wonder. I think the other two players are kind of hoping she does croak since she's said that she intends to whip up a cleric if she needs another character.
Toerag's got orphan for her archetype. Rude and connected for personality traits. Her player decided that Toerag was convinced (right or wrong, we don't yet know) that Rue was related to her. Possibly even a half-sister, which made her very protective. As for rude, that's easy. She just insults anyone who dares to speak to her.
"Rue" - Kobold Sorceress/Alienist; originally assumed to be the first one who'd die (she's been k.o.'d three times so far, I think?). Now that she's summoning pseudonatural bisons and dropping mage armor on everyone not only has she not been k.o.'d but the party has been cutting through the opposition like the proverbial hot knife/butter combo. Of course, I've heard the Blackwall Keep adventure is pretty weak, so maybe it's just that.
Rue got stuck with a savage archetype with exotic, tragic and phobic as personality traits. So we have a kobold sorcerer from a far-off tribe who talks about all manner of strange and wonderful things in that distant kobold paradise. As for tragic and phobic, she's quietly going insane and has a deathly fear of heights. Her insanity has become pretty obvious since she went Alienist, though.
"Copper" - Kobold Dragon Shaman; Gutter's replacement, Copper has proven himself invaluable with his draconic auras. A draconic aura in effect plus a sorcerer's bevy of mage armor spells allowed the party to make short work of the lizard's lair in the Blackwall Keep adventure.
Copper got the fatalist trait so he pretty much seeks out battles with enemies of the tribe hoping (really, really hoping) for a glorious death in battle against overwhelming odds. On his current mission he's convinced that the world is utterly doomed...which he finds thrilling because he'll get to go down fighting in some of suitably heroic way.
Nice little back story with Copper: The tribal shaman who originally sent the PCs to Diamond Lake was visited by Lendys (dragon god of justice) to demand that he go and attend to the trio of kobolds he sent into the human lands, seeing as how they'd gotten themselves mixed up in the whole age of worms thing. Specifically he was told to gather them up and go with them to bring the beat-down-of-justice to any dragons involved in the whole Kyuss affair.
So, being a kobold and by nature cowardly, he calls in his apprentice "Copper" and sends him instead.