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Campaign Notes
(that may differ from the Council of Wyrms guides)

- Planes. Current extraplanar knowledge is limited to the Inner Planes (the elemental planes, the Shadow Plane, etc) and nearby demiplanes, so summoned creatures never come from the Outer Planes (Heaven, Hell, The First World, The Astral Plane, etc). For that matter, most of the humanoid gods presented in the Core Rulebook don’t even exist yet. Spells like teleport, which utilize Outer Planes for travel, still exist, but magical researchers either don’t fully understand or are wrong about how they work.
- Fey. The world is young, and the time of fey has not yet arrived. The First World's influence on the Material plane is small and hard to recognize. The dragons of Io’s Blood Isles have never seen or heard of fey. Use of the Sylvan language is rare and almost completely exclusive to intelligent plants.
- Orcs. Don’t exist yet.
- Halflings don’t exist either.
- Languages. There are no such languages as ‘Common’ or ‘Draconic’. There is an obscure Human language, and all characters can take High Draconic, Chromatic Dragon, Gem Dragon, and Metallic Dragon as bonus languages, regardless of race or class.

Council of Wyrms
Character Creation

Step 1 – Ability Scores

Roll for ability scores using 4d6. Reroll 1s and drop the lowest die. The total of the three remaining dice is one ability score. Generate six scores and choose where they go. Unlike with normal humanoid PCs, you do not apply racial modifiers. Rather, adjustments will be made as your dragon PC ages.

Step 2 – Dragon Type

You can choose your dragon type from any of the chromatic, gem, or metallic dragons. Alternatively, you may roll randomly to determine what type of dragon you are using Table 9: Random Hatchlings. (Use the NPC column, as I am allowing the chromatic dragons as playable types.) Use the Base Statistics table specific to your dragon type to determine your special abilities, size, and hit dice. Then apply the features and traits from True Dragon Description using your hit dice. Determine your available natural attacks, breath weapon, and fly speed using Dragon Attacks and Speeds on page 91 of the Bestiary.

Step 3 – Feats and Skills

All dragon PCs get a feat at every odd hit die and 6 + Int modifier skills per hit die. This means that an amethyst hatchling, with 6 hit dice, gets 3 feats and 36+ skills when born, while a topaz hatchling, with 3 hit dice, gets 2 feats and 18+ skills when born. Calculate hit points. Every dragon gets full hit points with its first hit die and ½ plus 2 HP (8 HP for a dragon’s d12 HD) every level after that.

The dragon you have just generated is your Base. At this point, you are ready to play the first module in Council of Wyrms. As you age, you will modify your dragon PC according to the charts on page 91 of the Bestiary and the dragon PC kit you choose.

----- Play Adventure 1 -----

Step 4 – Kit

After the first module, your dragon will gain a hit die and reach level 1 – wyrmling. You may apply the abilities and penalties (down to your Base) of your chosen kit, but you do not apply any modifiers from Bestiary 91 as you have not yet leveled up to (2) Very Young. There are four kits to choose from, and every dragon is limited to one kit.


The dragon PC, known and feared for its size, physical prowess, and magical abilities, is the basic and most common dragon type that can be created using these rules. Like the dragons presented in the Bestiary, dragon PCs have many powers and abilities that they acquire haphazardly and with little planning as they advance through life.

Dragon PCs are dragon warriors of the finest order, able to employ their natural weapons, combat proficiencies, and breath attacks to best advantage. They have innate spell-like abilities and gain sorcerer or psychic levels according to their dragon type. Spells known are selecting randomly from the wizard/sorcerer and cleric spell lists in the Core Rulebook, though all spells are treated as arcane.

Gain one bonus feat of choice.


Some dragons are not content with the natural innate spell abilities they will develop. They become obsessed with magical processes and spellcraft, especially the formal processes used by wizards. This leads them to follow the arcane paths of wizardry as dragon-mages.

A dragon-mage spends the time between hatching and reaching first level learning the theories and techniques of magic. As an hatchling PC, a dragon-mage receives instruction from either a higher level dragon-mage who is a member of the Custodians of Concordance or from an humanoid vassal wizard attached to the Council of Wyrms. During this time of apprenticeship, it learns its first spells and prepares a spellbook.

The spellbook of a 1st-level dragon-mage contains all CRB cantrips and three 1st-level spells. By learning scholarly magic, a dragon-mage loses its innate spellcasting ability. It no longer follows the spell progression as listed on each dragon’s chart. Instead, it gains spells as a wizard character does, though its caster level is equal to its racial hit dice minus its starting hit dice. Gain Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

Because of their focus in spellcasting rather than in developing their innate abilities, several of the standard dragon abilities are weakened in dragon-mages. Natural attacks are treated as if the dragon is one size category smaller (down to Base) OR the dragon’s breath weapon gains only 1 die of damage per age category instead of 2. (This penalty is the choice of the player, is made at first level, and cannot be changed.) They do not gain their sorcerer levels later in life.


For the most part, the dragon gods do not seek out priests or advocate a formal religion. The Io’s Blood setting is somewhat different. Here, the gods still keep a low profile and shun formalized worship, but they tolerate (and some actively seek out) priests through which to express their wills to lesser creatures.

Though rare, there are dragons who follow the example of a particular dragon deity. They see themselves as defenders and guides for the chosen of their gods. These dragon-priests do not operate quite the same as the clerics of more traditional player character races, but they do serve as proponents of their faith.

As no formal, organized religious groups exist among dragonkind (though the Custodians of Concordance come close), dragon-priests act as traveling centers of worship. They bring the teachings and visions of their gods to the chosen dragon types, traveling the isles to proclaim whatever truths the dragon gods hold dear. Between the moment of hatching and the time when a young dragon-priest reaches 1st level, it receives a series of visions that unequivocally tie it to a particular deity. At 1st level, a dragon-priest gains spells as a cleric PC. Its caster level is equal to its racial hit dice minus its starting hit dice.

Use the descriptions of dragon gods on page 48 of Book 2: Campaign to decide the path of devotion of your dragon-priest. Gain one clerical domain (without the spells) or one inquisition that fits your devotion.

Because of their focus in spellcasting rather than in developing their innate abilities, several of the standard dragon abilities are weakened in dragon-mages. Natural attacks are treated as if the dragon is one size category smaller (down to Base) OR the dragon’s breath weapon gains only 1 die of damage per age category instead of 2. (This penalty is the choice of the player, is made at first level, and cannot be changed.) They do not gain their sorcerer levels later in life.


The dragon-psionicist draws upon the power of its own mind through the harmony of body, mind, and spirit. It is a purist, believing that only through proper study and mastery can the secrets of personal balance and concordance be unlocked.

Only gem dragons have innate psionic powers. Though rare, an occasional gem hatchling will feel the call to pursue these powers to the fullest extent and become a psionicist.

Between the moment of hatching and the time when a young dragon-psionicist reaches 1st level, it strives to unite every aspect of itself into a single, powerful whole. By looking inward and through discipline, self-awareness, and long periods of contemplation, the hatchling unlocks the full potential of its mind. At 1st level, a dragon-psionicist gains psychic levels, using their racial hit dice minus their starting hit dice as their caster level. It also gains detect thoughts or telepathic bond as an at will spell-like ability.

Because of the discipline required and the single-minded pursuit of its innate powers, a dragon-psionicist loses its natural psychic levels. Natural psionics are Charisma-based, while a dragon-psionicist’s powers are Intelligence-based.

The dragon-psionicist’s alignment must be non-chaotic, making them all the more rare among topaz and crystal dragons.

Because of their focus in spellcasting rather than in developing their innate abilities, several of the standard dragon abilities are weakened in dragon-mages. Natural attacks are treated as if the dragon is one size category smaller (down to Base) OR the dragon’s breath weapon gains only 1 die of damage per age category instead of 2. (This penalty is the choice of the player, is made at first level, and cannot be changed.) They do not gain their psychic levels later in life.

----- Play Adventures 2 through 5 -----

Step 5 – Kindred

This last step comes into play when a dragon reaches (4) juvenile age. Every dragon of Io’s Blood Isles, and especially one associated with the Council of Wyrms, is expected to develop relationships with their humanoid vassals. The nature of these relationships varies based on the type and personality of each dragon, but all dragons are expected to form kindredbonds. They select an humanoid in their domain (for PCs, this can be from their home domain or a vassal of the Council of Wyrms) and form an empathic bond with them. This humanoid kindred is the most competent and devoted of a dragon’s vassals, and his or her loyalty is exclusively to their kindredbond.

Treat this kindred as a cohort, calculating the dragon’s Leadership score as normal. Kindred can be elf, dwarf, gnome, or, on very rare occasions, human. Green dragons of Clan Foulgrove can have drow kindred, and topaz dragons of Clan Deepwater can have merfolk kindred. Otherwise, use Table 6: Preferred Kindred to guide you in your kindred selection.

True Dragon Description
This information is just straight from Paizo but is useful to have in one place.

A dragon has the following features.
- d12 hit die.
- Base attack bonus equal to its racial hit dice (fast progression).
- Good Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saves (1/2 HD +2).
- Skill points equal to 6 + Int modifier per HD. The following are class skills for all dragons: Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Intimidate, Kn (all), Linguistics, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, and Use Magic Device.

A dragon possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in its entry).
- Darkvision 120’, low-light vision, and blindsense 60’.
- Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis effects.
- Proficient with no armor.
- Proficient with its natural weapons only. Gold, silver, and bronze dragons are proficient with simple weapons when in humanoid form.
- Natural weapons count as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
- Gain DR 5/magic at (5) young adult, 10/magic at (7) mature adult, 15/magic at (9) very old, and 20/magic at (11) wyrm.
- Frightful Presence (Ex): Free action as part of another action, range 30’ x age category, 5d6 rounds, targets must have HD equal to or less than the dragon, Will save (10 + 1/2 HD + Cha mod) negates or be shaken (panicked if fewer than 4 HD).
- Spell Resistance = 11 + CR at (5) young adult.
- At (4) juvenile age, all dragons on Io’s Blood Isles gain an humanoid kindred.

D&D's psionic crystal dragons and Paizo's crystal dragons from the plane of earth have the same name and very similar builds, but are not actually the same dragon.

Crystal Dragon
CN dragon
CR 1; Size tiny; HD 2d12
Speed 40’
Natural Armor +3; Breath Weapon cone, 2d4 slashing/piercing

Dazzling Breath Weapon (Su): This dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of glowing shards, which deal slashing and piercing damage. Creatures caught in the cone can make a Reflex save for half damage and must make a second save or be blinded by the dazzling shards for 1d4 rounds plus 1 round per dragon’s age category. The shards shine as bright as daylight and can be seen for miles. Creatures within 60’ of the breath weapon itself must make a Fortitude save or be dazzled for 1 round per dragon’s age category.

Immunities (Ex): Crystal dragons are immune to sonic damage and gain a +4 save bonus to sound-based effects, as the well-versed bard ability. They are also immune to light-based attacks (such as searing light) and negative effects of cold weather (but not magical cold damage).

Razor Sharp (Ex): All of a crystal dragon’s natural attacks deal slashing damage in addition to their normal damage type.

Spell-like Abilities: A crystal dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will unless stated otherwise. (1) wyrmling – charm monster; (2) very young – color spray; (3) young – traveling dream (1/day); (4) juvenile – glitterdust; (6) adult – rainbow pattern; (7) mature adult – suggestion; (8) old – prismatic spray (3/day) (11) wyrm – control weather.

Luck Scale (Sp): Once per day, a very old or older crystal dragon can shed an enchanted, glittering scale and give it to a friendly visitor or favored vassal. It acts as a luckstone for 1d4 hours plus 1 hour per dragon’s age category.

Ray Reflection (Ex): An ancient crystal dragon’s scales reflect ray spells back upon the ray’s source if the ray fails to overcome the dragon’s spell resistance.

Scintillating Aura (Su): A great wyrm crystal dragon radiates an aura of scintillating color from its jeweled scales to a radius of 60’. All within their area must make a Will save each round to avoid being stunned (if the victim has 15 or fewer hit dice) or confused (if the victim has more than 15 hit dice) for 1 round. The save DC is equal to the dragon’s breath weapon save DC. This is a mind-affecting effect. The dragon can activate or suppress this aura as a free action.

Age Category ..... Special Abilities ..... Effective Psychic Level
1 wyrmling ..... immunities; well-versed; razor sharp; charm monster ..... -
2 very young ..... color spray ..... -
3 young ..... traveling dream ..... -
4 juvenile ..... glitterdust..... -
5 young adult ..... DR 5/magic; spell resistance ..... 1
6 adult ..... frightful presence; rainbow pattern ..... 3
7 mature adult ..... DR 10/magic; suggestion ..... 5
8 old ..... prismatic spray ..... 7
9 very old ..... DR 15/magic; luck scale ..... 9
10 ancient ..... ray reflection ..... 11
11 wyrm ..... DR 20/magic; control weather ..... 13
12 great wyrm ..... scintillating aura ..... 15

Topaz Dragon
CN dragon
CR 2; Size tiny; HD 3d12
Speed 40’, Swim 40’
Natural Armor +4; Breath Weapon cone dehydration, 2d6

Cone of Dehydration Breath Weapon (Su): This dragon’s breath weapon is a cone of dehydration. When directed at liquids, one cubic foot of water dries us per hit point of damage. Creatures caught in the cone are weakened by water loss. In addition to the hit point damage, they also lose 1d6 Strength plus 1 per the dragon’s size category. A successful Fortitude save halves the hit point and Strength damage. The hit point damage is typeless, but creatures immune to Strength damage are immune to the hit point damage.

Immunities (Ex): Topaz dragons are immune to cold damage and negative effects of cold weather.

Water Breathing (Ex): A topaz dragon can breath underwater indefinitely and can use its spells, breath weapon, and other abilities while submerged.

Sneak Attack: Topaz dragons gain sneak attack, as the rogue ability, using their racial hit dice as their effective rogue level, to a maximum of +10d6.

Spell-like Abilities: A topaz dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will unless stated otherwise. (3) young – protection from law; (4) juvenile – blink; (6) adult – obscuring mist; (7) mature adult – air bubble; (8) old – control water; (11) wyrm – tsunami (3/day).

Subtle Casting: Topaz dragons prefer to avoid combat and will use their spell-like abilities and psionics on the sly. At young adult age, a topaz dragon gains the silent spell metamagic feat. Three times per day, it can be used with its spell-like abilities. At adult age, a topaz dragon also gains the still spell feat, following the same rules.

Desiccating Bite (Su): An ancient topaz dragon’s bite causes weakness, dealing 1d2 Strength drain in addition to its normal damage. A great wyrm’s bite deals 1d4 Strength drain. A successful Fortitude save (DC equal to the dragon’s breath weapon DC) negates the Strength drain.

Painful Strikes (Su): A great wyrm topaz dragon’s natural attacks are so laden with salt that every time it strikes a creature with one of these attacks, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC equal to the dragon’s breath weapon DC) or be stunned for one round from the pain.

Age Category ..... Special Abilities ..... Effective Psychic Level
1 wyrmling ..... immunity to cold; water breathing ..... -
2 very young ..... sneak attack ..... -
3 young ..... protection from law ..... -
4 juvenile ..... blink ..... -
5 young adult ..... DR 5/magic; spell resistance; subtle casting (silent spell) ..... 1
6 adult ..... frightful presence; obscuring mist ..... 3
7 mature adult ..... DR 10/magic; air bubble; subtle casting (still spell) ..... 5
8 old ..... control water ..... 7
9 very old ..... DR 15/magic ..... 9
10 ancient ..... desiccating bite ..... 11
11 wyrm ..... DR 20/magic; tsunami ..... 13
12 great wyrm ..... painful strikes ..... 15

Emerald Dragon
LN dragon
CR 3; Size tiny; HD 4d12
Speed 40’, Burrow 20’
Natural Armor +5; Breath Weapon stun burst or cone, 2d6 sonic

Stun Burst Breath Weapon (Su): An emerald dragon’s breath weapon is a loud, keening wail which sets up a sonic vibration, affecting all creatures within 120’ of the dragon’s mouth. It stuns the targets for 1d4 rounds plus 1 round per age category. Successful Fortitude saves are deafened for 1d4 rounds instead of stunned.

Sonic Breath Weapon (Su): Instead of using their more dangerous stun burst breath weapon, emerald dragons can choose to use a standard cone breath weapon that deals sonic damage. Fortitude saves halve the damage.

Immunities (Ex): Emerald dragons are immune to sonic damage.

Lava Walk (Su): This ability functions as water walk but is only usable on lava. It can be used indefinitely.

Trapfinding: Very young emerald dragons gain the trapfinding special ability, using their racial hit dice as their effective rogue level.

Flash of Insight (Su): Emerald dragons have strong psionic awareness of their surrounding, including the potential outcome of any given event. Starting at very young age, emerald dragons can reroll any d20 roll, after learning the outcome, and take the better roll. This can be done once per day at very young age, twice per day at young adult age, three times per day at old age, and four times per day as a wyrm.

Spell-like Abilities: An emerald dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will unless stated otherwise. (3) young – ghost sound; (6) adult – scorching ray; (7) mature adult – hold monster (3/day); (10) ancient – telekinesis.

Hypnotic Scales (Ex): Emerald dragons learn to use the rippling movements of their scales to hypnotize foes. At juvenile age, this functions as suggestion and is usable three times per day. A great wyrm can use this one additional time per day to make it function as geas. This is a non-magical mind-affecting effect.

Tremorsense (Ex): Emerald dragons gain tremorsense 30’ at juvenile age, 60’ at adult age, and 120’ at old age.

Age Category Special Abilities Effective Psychic Level
1 wyrmling immunity to sonic; lava walk -
2 very young trapfinding; flash of insight 1/day -
3 young ghost sound -
4 juvenile suggestion; tremorsense 30’ 1
5 young adult DR 5/magic; spell resistance; flash of insight 2/day 3
6 adult frightful presence; tremorsense 60’; scorching ray 5
7 mature adult DR 10/magic; hold monster 7
8 old tremorsense 120’; flash of insight 3/day 9
9 very old DR 15/magic 11
10 ancient telekinesis 13
11 wyrm DR 20/magic; flash of insight 4/day 15
12 great wyrm geas 17

Sapphire Dragon
LN dragon
CR 4; Size small; HD 5d12
Speed 40’, Burrow 30’
Natural Armor +6; Breath Weapon cone, 2d8 sonic plus panicked

Frightful Sounds Breath Weapon (Su): The inaudible sound a sapphire dragon emits activates a series of nerves in the inner ear, stimulating the fear center of the brain. In addition to the sonic damage, it causes targets to become panicked for a number of rounds equal to 1d6 plus the dragon's age category. This is a non-magical fear effect, so supernatural resistances to fear do not work (i.e. a paladin’s aura of courage would not affect this effect, but a fighter’s bravery ability would). A successful Fortitude save halves the sonic damage and negates the panicked effect.

Immunities (Ex): Sapphire dragons are immune to magical fear effects and cannot be restrained, as if constantly under the freedom of movement spell.

Favored Enemy: Sapphire dragons are highly militarized and train to combat specific foes. Starting at very young age, sapphire dragons gain favored enemies, as the ranger ability. Their first favored enemy is at very young age, second at young adult, third at old, and fourth at wyrm. Most sapphire dragons choose from the following favored enemies: aberration, animal, dragon, humanoid (dwarf), humanoid (elf), and humanoid (human).

Spell-Like Abilities: A sapphire dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will unless stated otherwise. (3) young – continual flame; (4) juvenile – stone shape; (6) adult – antimagic field (1/day), (7) mature adult – passwall; (10) ancient – wall of stone (3/day); (12) great wyrm - sunbeam

Tremorsense (Ex): Sapphire dragons gain tremorsense at 30’ at (4) juvenile age, 60’ at (6) adult age, and 120’ at (8) old age.

Aura of Resolve (Su): Young adult dragons gain an aura of resolve, as the paladin ability, at a range of 5’ per age category.

Age Category ..... Special Abilities ..... Effective Psychic Level
1 wyrmling ..... immunity to fear; freedom of movement ..... -
2 very young ..... 1st favored enemy ..... -
3 young ..... continual flame ..... -
4 juvenile ..... stone shape; tremorsense 30’..... -
5 young adult ..... DR 5/magic; spell resistance; aura of resolve; 2nd favored enemy ..... 1
6 adult ..... frightful presence, tremorsense 60’ ..... 3
7 mature adult ..... DR 10/magic; passwall ..... 5
8 old ..... tremorsense 120’; 3rd favored enemy ..... 7
9 very old ..... DR 15/magic ..... 9
10 ancient ..... wall of stone ..... 11
11 wyrm ..... DR 20/magic; 4th favored enemy ..... 13
12 great wyrm ..... sunbeam ..... 15

Amethyst Dragon
N dragon
CR 5; Size small; HD 6d12
Speed 60’, Swim 60’
Natural Armor +7; Breath Weapon 2d10 force

Force Blast Breath Weapon (Su): An amethyst dragon can violently exhale a ball of force at the range of a line breath weapon appropriate for the dragon’s size. This is a burst attack with a radius of 5 feet per age category. This attack deals force damage starting at 2d10 and can knock the target(s) prone. A Reflex save halves the damage and does not fall prone.

Water Breathing (Ex): An amethyst dragon can breathe underwater indefinitely and can freely use its spells, breath weapon, and other special abilities while submerged.

Immunities (Ex): Amethyst dragons are immune to force effects (such as magic missile) and poison.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): An amethyst dragon has a preternatural awareness of their surroundings due to their strong psionic abilities. They gain Uncanny Dodge when very young and Improved Uncanny Dodge when mature adult.

Water Walk (Su): A young amethyst dragon learns to walk on water indefinitely, as per the spell.

Spell-Like Abilities: An amethyst dragon gains the following spell-like abilities, usable at will unless stated otherwise. (4) juvenile – neutralize poison; (8) old – resilient sphere; (9) very old – scry (3/day); (10) ancient – control weather; (12) ancient wyrm – greater restoration (3/day)

Wild Shape (Su): An adult amethyst dragon can use wild shape, as the druid ability, using their racial hit dice as their effective druid level. They can only take on the shapes of reptiles, birds, or mammals.

Age Category.............Special Abilities.............................Effective Psychic Level
1 wyrmling...............immunity to force and poison; water breathing............-
2 very young.............Uncanny Dodge............................................-
3 young..................water walk...............................................-
4 juvenile...............neutralize poison........................................1
5 young adult............DR 5/magic; spell resistance.............................3
6 adult..................wild shape; frightful presence...........................5
7 mature adult...........DR 10/magic; Improved Uncanny Dodge......................7
8 old....................resilient sphere.........................................9
9 very old...............DR 15/magic; scry (3/day)................................11
10 ancient...............control weather..........................................13
11 wyrm..................DR 20/magic..............................................15
12 great wyrm............greater restoration (3/day)..............................17

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A few years back, my husband found some of his old D&D 2e material from back when he first started playing. Among them were a module called Isle of Dread, the Ravenloft campaign setting, and Council of Wyrms.

I decided to try my hand at converting 2e to Pathfinder, so I ran Isle of Dread. It was a lot of fun both to convert and to play. So I took on something more challenging.

Council of Wyrms is a campaign setting that takes place in the ancient past when dragons ruled the world. The players were introducing to the world as newly-hatched dragons. Yes, baby dragon PCs. The adventure path followed the dragon PCs through the first 150 or so years of their lives.

Unlike Isle of Dread, this conversion required a massive amount of work before it was ready to be played. Dragon kits (similar to classes) had to be completely redone, the adventures had to be fleshed out, and above all, gem dragons had to be created.

Pathfinder doesn't have gem dragons, which are naturally psionic the way that metallic and chromatic dragons are naturally magic. My husband and I created them using the original dragons in the 2e Monster Manual, some abilities from the primal dragons, the Occult Adventures, and a few ideas of our own.

Over the next few days, I will post our gem dragons, dragon kits, and summaries of the adventure path as I eventually built it. (But, of course, the Council of Wyrms campaign setting has so many great details and possible adventure hooks that any GM could take an entirely different track.)

Thank you for the detailed review, Rakshaka. I'm going to start this adventure path next month, and I'm really excited about it. The lack of continuity with NPCs has been a pretty consistent complaint about Council of Thieves, and I'm glad I found this thread to help me smooth things along. Thank you for all your insight.