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In a recent turn of events, two of my villains have lived due to the compassion of my PCs. Tsuto was spared, but handed over to the guards. He eventually is to stand trial in Magnimar. And Lyrie has been encountered under Thistletop, and coward that she is, she surrendered to the PCs (after hearing that they had not killed Tsuto). They will most likely let her go, as she has bluffed and posed as a not-so-innocent scholar, recruited by Tsuto, not Nualia. My question is, do I let the story end there? The temptation is to have Lyrie act upon her information and go to save poor Tsuto (whom she's infatuated with), assaulting the wagon/whatnot as it travels with him to Magnimar. I worry though, that I'm undermining the actions of the PCs. They went to trouble to capture and deal with them without bloodshed, and this could serve to punish them. It could send the message that you should kill them all, or else they come back. I love the cinematics of it, with a Bonnie and Clyde style getaway to turn up later. But I also believe in being fair to the players; not every plan they come up with backfires because I'm the omniscient DM. Opinions, oh wise ones?
Tonight was a bit slow, with the characters being inside of the Nettlewood, playing it cautious. They took down the druid and his animal companion, and then spent a good deal of time interrogating him and getting as much intel as they could on Thistletop. Time was running out for the game session, so they went forward to the rope bridge. Concerned about guards in the towers, they used an Obscuring Mist and sent the entire group across the bridge at once. Yep. As the trap goes off, the situation worked out perfectly: the warrior at the front making her save, the wizard in the back making hers, so both leapt to their respective edges. The druid and cleric in the middle weren't as fortunate (action points helped save their bacon somewhat). That's how the session ended. So as it stands for next session the druid and cleric are hanging from the dropped rope bridge, with the wizard and Shalesu up at the top. The fighter is 'safe' on the other side, but the guards are starting to rouse from the noise. I'm envisioning a lot of long range archery and spellslinging as they try to resolve the situation. This is why I play the game.
Greetings people. I just finished my first session of RotR with my group, a great way to start the new year! I made a few acquisitions over the holidays, including a projector, so I decided to put it all into place for the first session. The link below has images of my projector setup and a few images of the second goblin battle at Sandpoint. *WARNING* - While I am fairly savvy at computer tasks, I am a horrible photographer with a poor camera. ...and since my players enjoyed it and asked, I said I would share. Here's a version of the goblin song, written by Paizo:
Hello all. Since my Age of Worms game ended, I'm about to take up the mantle of Rise of the Runelords. I like the setting from everything I've read thus far, but I'm curious as to how much information to give the players regarding the previous age. I know I have access to info about Thassilon, the Runelords, etc. and some of that is purposefully vague, but what would the standard young adventurer know. Are the Runelords boogeymen that parents use to frighten their children, or is it all mysterious with a faltering oral tradition akin to Earthdawn? If someone can point me to a good source I may have overlooked, that would be great.
So I'm late to the party, but I just picked up Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk, penned by our good Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Mona (and Jason Bulmahn, for completion's sake). I don't think I'll have much opportunity to run it, but I do love the delve format. So anyways, as I flipped through it at my FLGS and notice a picture. A cute half-elf named Tirra. Hmm, that's a coincidence. Flip the page, ah look, a familiar mage named Khellek. Pretty awesome, they included two from Auric's Warband (although Auric was notably absent in my perusal). And guess who else? Loris Raknian, after the fall from grace. Kudos for using these iconic characters again. It's especially cool for me, given that I'm knee-deep in The Champion's Belt right now, and I'm very familiar with these three.
Hello all. I'm running the campaign using the Forgotten Realms conversion notes, and have replaced the Ebon Triad with the fallen three from FR, Bane, Bhaal and Myrkul. Now, given how the Ebon Aspect is comprised of representative elements of the three gods, I was wondering if the crew here might have some good suggestions for the form of the beast using the Forgotten Realms mythos.
Hello people. I'm still waiting for issue #135 to hit my retailer (presumably on Wednesday), and had a question that may have been covered here already on the boards. Do we have an estimate on when the next AP will start, either in issue or street date? I perused the boards and searched a bit but found nothing. Maybe James or Erik have posted this somewhere?
Hi All. Starting up my AoW campaign shortly, and I'm looking for suggestions. In particular, I want to replace the Grick that lairs in Alastor's room in the Whispering Cairn. Anyone have any good suggestions for something lairing under the spheres? I'm sure the CR is appropriate, but my party is a bit magic light overall, and I hesitate to throw DR 10/magic critters at them at 1st lvl. I could just strip the DR down, but thought you might have cool suggestions otherwise. Thanks. |