rgstar's page

Organized Play Member. 1 post. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


I'm just terribly baffled by the amount paizo hits the monk class with the nerf stick. As it stands in the core rule book the monk is vastly inferior to the other core classes especially in pfs. Now with every rule that they create that gives the Monk class effectiveness it inevitably gets and errata to stifle that effectiveness the brass knuckles series of errata's is a good example with paizo not wanting the monk to be a viable damage on target character, and now they have completely destroyed this feat chain that helps make a monk a viable defensive "tie-up" character. Now I know that you can "play" a monk in other ways but before this monks were regarded as tier 4-5 I don't want to know where they end up now.

Message to Paizo Developers: I am highly disappointed, that is all