
rfox's page

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That sounds good. I'm already getting Pathfinder. So I'll be sure to get Companion too when it comes out. Thanks for the info.

Can someone summarize the different Pathfinder products for me?

I'm only a casual gamer and it seems like every time I come onto this site, there's a new Pathfinder product. I used to love Dungeon magazine, and now it just seems like they've splintered off the different sections to squeeze more money out of people. Anyway, now that I got that rant out of the way...

I know the main Pathfinder magazine is like the Dungeon Adventure Paths, which I love.

The Pathfinder Modules look like the stand-alone adventures that were in Dungeon.

The Pathfinder Companion look like campaign setting guides for the main Pathfinder adventures?

But campaign guides look like they are also part of the Pathfinder Chronicles along with a bunch of other accessory items. What's the difference between the content material of Companion and Chronicles? I mean, how do the editors decide setting information should be part of Companion or part of Chronicles? Is the Companion material more vital to playing the Pathfinder adventures, and Chronicles just extra stuff not necessary to Pathfinder?

I don't understand why they don't just put all the campaign stuff of Companion and Chronicles together so I can get one subscription to that without the accessory items in Chronicles.

The printed issue is available from the Paizo store.

Some questions:

Is there any chance of the installments for each Adventure path being collected into a single book like Shackled City?

What's the # of issue conversion rate of switching to the Pathfinder subscription?

And if you initially convert your subscription to Pathfinder but after an issue or two you decide that you don't want it, can you convert the remaining part of your subscription to either other 2 options (store credit or refund)?

James Jacobs wrote:
Pathfinder's more expensive for one very good reason: it's not a magazine. The paper stock will be heavier; the covers, while softcover, will be thicker; and we'll have LOTs more room to expand each adventure. We'll have articles about cities, articles about deities and big villians, articles about how to expand your game into areas like building PC-controlled strongholds, articles about the new campaign world it's all set in, and LOTS and LOTS of new monsters.

That's what I was afraid of. The heavier paper stock makes it more durable, but it's also less functional. With the lighter paper stock and cover of a typical magazine, it stays open on the table. With heavier paper stock and cover, it will be very hard for it to stay open on the table. It will be a constant annoyance as it keeps flipping closed.

James Jacobs wrote:
Plus, with the exception of a page or two of house-ads at the back... there's no ads at all in the product.

I'd gladly put up with all the ads if it means it can be more affordable to more people.

How to I find the older messages for the Shackled City?
I can't find the archive to the messageboards anywhere.


I wasn't aware of all the new content in the book, so please don't think I was asking for a free copy of the book text. Thanks, delvesdeep, for filling me in on the details.

I thought it was just a compilation ("shovelware" in computer game re-released collections terminology) of what was in the magazine.

Let me rephrase my request this way:
If I were to run the campaign with the adventures printed in the magazines (not talking about the new content in the book), what "gotchas" do I need to know about that have been corrected in the book? Is that information alright to give out?

Yeah, I'd love a list of all changes, especially errata from the original magazine version--as that's what I've already paid for and have, I don't have any desire to pay more money for the same thing.

Anyone up for the challenge as I'm sure I'm not the only one?