Small Demon

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I am looking for some creepy music if it is evocative of insects or small crawling horrors too all the better. So please let me know what music you use when you want to scare your players.

I am currently running a campaign and I am having difficulty keeping the fun factor as high as when it first started. My players and myself are still enjoying ourselves but not to the same extent.

The drop off seems to stem mostly from the fact that most of the recent social and combat encounters have been much more mundane than the previous. A rather normal dungeon crawl with undead, and now trying to stop an assassination and carry out one at the same time and in the process discover who the assassins are and who hired them.

So I was wondering what are some of the more entertaining challenges be they combat social or other that people have either devised or played out.

As an example my players really enjoyed one quest where they were tasked with making life miserable for a town. It really allowed them to be creative. They replaced the sherifs wedding ring with a cannibal ring, raised a horde of zombies and rigged them with explosives, participated in a bank robbery and murdered a few locals while implicating others. I gave a fairly open ended task and left a few tools around for them to make use of and they did the rest.

One of my players wants to gain a nightmare as a cohort to use as a mount. I was thinking a cohort level of 10 would be about right. I worry though that I am underestimating the usefulness of its special abilities. Has anyone had experience with players and nightmare mounts or any insight into a good cohort level for one? I would appreciate any input.

The group I GM for wants to travel to the Plane of Fire but probably won't last very long unprotected. What options are available for a group consisting of a level 6 cleric, level 6 druid, and level 6 rogue. I have not audited the group but they should have close to standard wealth for their level. Any Pathfinder material is fine. I would like them to figure out a way within the rules to deal with the fire damage, combustion of flammable objects, and heat.

I ask mostly incase I need to drop some hints or they try something unexpected. Thanks in advance for any help.

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I am making a gnoll barbarian who worships Lamashtu for an upcoming campaign. I have Dark Markets and the Rival Guide and have done some mucking about online but I would greatly appreciate being pointed to any sources that will help me out. I would really like to play up his heritage.

I have a particular interest in gnoll terms and phrases I have picked up a couple but I am not sure how often I will be able to make use of them.

So if anyone knows how I can make this character a shining example of gnolldom please let me know.

I will be running a campaign in a few months and was considering incorporating background music as suggested in the Gamemastery Guide I would appreciate any opinions regarding incorporating music and would really appreciate any feedback regarding other peoples actual experience with background music.

Did the players enjoy it, find it distracting, or even care?

Should it be on at all times or only for important events?

If you have successfully used music before could you suggest some good music for towns, dungeons, castles, and wilderness themes etc.

Thanks to everyone in advance.

I will be outlining some changes i would like to see implemented for the Magus class with accompanying reasons as to why.

First things that should stay the same d8 Hit Die, class skills and skills per level, saves, Bard spell progression, and 3/4 BAB progression. If the magus is supposed to be a 50/50 mix of prepared arcane spell caster and melee warrior it should be less effective than either and should be able to do both right from the start.

Armor proficiency should include medium armor and shields (not tower) and the ability to cast magus spells while using such items without spell failure. The magus already has proficiency with all martial weapons which helps to identify her as more melee oriented than the bard, increasing the level of armor available helps to further solidify this image and increases their durability in such situations.

Spellstrike while useful and flavourful lacks some of the oomph that other classes 1st level abilities grant. I think the Magus should get a free melee attack with their weapon when using touch spells, I think this would bring the ability close to par with abilities such as sneak attack and favored enemy. The ability scales as you gain access to better touch spells and allows the magus to blend spell casting and sword swinging into a single action right off the bat. When you gain access to Spell Combat this would grant an extra attack, but with the attack penalty and the need to take a concentration check also with a penalty it should be balanced.

Magus Arcana should be available at 2nd level and you should receive a new arcana at every even level after. Arcana allow for character customization and are on par with Rogue talents and bonus feats. The spell tax on some of the arcana is unique, i would like it to remain the same however the potency on some of these arcana should be increased or the ability to replenish spells under unique circumstances would be a good mechanic since the Magus has so much economy of action it will likely run out of spells quite fast. Passive arcana that increase melee ability and spell casting ability should be added, many arcana require a swift action, if not enough passive or free action arcana are available their will be to much competition for that swift action spot.

Spell Combat just move it to 3rd level and keep it the same, with the addition of shield proficiency, another caster level under the belt, the change to Spellstrike, and access to arcana already the chance of success is slightly better should you decide to use it and the options when not using it are significantly better. The Magus should feel that Spell Combat is a powerful and worthwhile ability, but the Magus should be able to function without it (incase they don't want to take combat casting, have a low int score, didn't take the concentrate arcana, etc.) just like a Barbarian can be effective without rage but is significantly better when using it.

Arcane weapon move it to 5th level and have it progress as the Paladins Divine bond ability. Keep it the same in all other respects. Personally i just think the total bonuses should be equal to the Paladins and it's nice to get an ability every level.

The first bonus feat should be moved to 7th level to keep with the ability every level reasoning mentioned in the last point and medium armor can be removed since it was effectively given at 1st level.

Improved Spell Combat stays the same, move fighter training to level 8 also. At level 8 you have an effective fighter level of 4 allowing you to qualify for your first fighter only feat weapon specialization and at 9th you pick up a feat which could be used for this.

Counterstrike is moved to 9th level. This allows the ability to come into play much earlier and at a point where a single attack from the magus will be more noticeable.

The bonus feat for 11 stays the same. No reason to change it really.

Greater Spell Combat moved to 13th level. Keeping with an ability every level progression. Remove heavy armor change it to an early access arcana.

Add improved fighter training to Magus list of abilities at level 15 increasing her effective fighter level by 4, allowing the Magus access to Penetrating Strike and Greater Weapon Specialization at 16. Keeps with the ability every level idea again and allows access to some fighter feats earlier as well.

Bonus feat at 17 stays the same.

Weapon call at 19 stays the same.

True Magus needs some work as is it doesn't feel as good or "epic" as many other level 20 abilities. At the moment I would say maybe just give all the optional bonuses not just one when you target the same creature your attacking with the spell your casting.

This is my personal opinion feel free to critique my ideas or post your own etc.

Does aura of righteousness prevent the paladin from benefiting from bless?