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My son wants to play a shirren and were building his character. One of the things he wants to do as a xeno druid is to slowly become more cat like in his mannerisms. He asked about adding things like speed suspension to slowly alter his posterior storyline wise to move faster and more catlike as the suspension gets upgraded. then he was inquiring about buying a Tail. So in society, i dont see a tail as a thing. but im curious about purchasing a prostetic limb to create a tail. its not a functional tail. but a "simulated cat tail" with nothing but aestetic purposes. Is this doable under society rules. or is additional limbs for flavor not a thing under the RAW? ![]()
When a player group is moving to a larger frame say a small frame to a large frame. Do they retain the BP they spent on the original frame. By Raw is says they start over. By RAW do they get that BP back. The same goes for say if a player has 1 bay. they install a technical bay. and then a few games later they decide they want to install a medical bay. do they get that technical bay BP back free or its counted as spent. Its not a upgraded system were talking a full bay swap and no more free bays. Also when the rules say their budget. is that referring to remaining BP the players have to spend for the total APL number that they should have. Say i have a ship with 200 BP of upgrades and i have 100 BP left over. is my budget 100 or is it 300? Im asking to resolve a dispute. They think budget equals maximum points. ![]()
Hello, first time publisher here, I wanted to get this to you while it was hot off the presses so that you all can enjoy this new material. it is a long time coming and a precursor to a larger book coming out later this year (hopefully) http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/227740/Starship-Community-Guide?src=new est_community&coverSizeTestPhase2=true&word-variants=true ![]()
so i was challenged by a friend to build a replica style (didnt have to be exact) form of a large spacecraft. so i started doing the math. and figured a large tier ranking to have plenty of build points. but as im building i noticed a bunch of inconcistancies in regards to ship that are larger then medium. particularly when approaching the huge and gargantuan size. i was looking at the battleship frame, wanting something that was more of a armored carrier, think battlestar. and im noting 8 expansion bays only. true the colossal has 20 but im considering colossal to be larger station like application or planetiod ships. So minimum 100 crew needed... escape pods, 6 per expansion bay? seems kinda low, perhaps a scale up 6x scale size? so a large ship might get 12 pods to accomsdate everyone or mostly everyone. Hanger bays, require 4 expansions slots to carry 8 vessels. now i realize that for a player 8 vessels is enough. and when you look at medium ships its all great, but scale up. hundreds of crew.. sorry folks on this carrier we only have 2 hangers with 8 each.. oh and if you want a shuttle bay for a larger ship, we cant fit anything else.. maybe 8 for a battle ship and 10 for a carrier seems a little low when you expect a carrier to have at least some basic fuctionality ( shops, medical, crew, half of the other items, including cargo space) i would call this another scaling issue. with it being 8x scale of ship gargantuan 2, colossal 4. the drift engine setup. it says minumum frame. so no drift engines for anything larger the huge.. but i can put a basic in for 2x gargantuan for example 6 or 7 and its far cheaper then any of the other drives.. wouldnt a drive that size cost more, not less, since as far as i can tell the only cost your paying for is fitting a drive into a medium frame really. doesnt change the 1 minute drift engine rule or the functionality of the drift effects. in short these are 3 of the big items i have found, i maxed out many of the items on a build list. and for a build list at the higher end you cannot literally give away the bp points to spend it on. there isnt anything to spend it on. nothing else fits. 1000 bps points. even with literally all vortex cannons and updrades its very hard to understand the end game build setup. or even building npcs ships for long term campaigns. its kinda disappointing to not see a ship book on the horizen either. it needs alot of things that many ships in many scifi take for granted. including things like exterior docking collars or ablative armor options. imo its a case of steamlined too far with hope that no one gets to the high end levels till the revised books make it out *some time late next year* ![]()
So yesterday I got in a huge verbal fight after my gm told me my drone wasn't my character, I created a android mechanic drone, chose my combat drone and gave it the azimuth artillery laser, now after that and equipment I only had enough money for a few grenades, but had planned on picking up a laser or something suitable but during game play my combat drone currently shoots better the I do at +3 vs my +2 and with my grenades range was a issue and they chose to close on round one so I chose to take cover using my 1d10 laser, now first level and I'm getting criticized because the can't see the drone as my primary weapon, just like a mages spells or a snipers rifle, it's got to be my android body on the line, even going so far as to closing the door on my drones line of sight 150' laser, preventing it from attacking, while I was hacking a apparently nonexistent data line to find if the was any security measures, CCTV, or alarms, this while my drone was trying to do its job. And I got criticized for multitasking, am I in the wrong for not putting my android in harms way, I should have been in the room guns blazing taking fire like the rest of them, which tactically my drone had a clear shot till one of the characters shut the door closing my line of sight. Thoughts? Personally I told my gm to shove it, not everyone thinks playing min max weapons is how RPGs should be played or rushing into combat, personally drones imo are a primary weapon and tool, but I shouldn't be forced to sacrifice it because they seem to want to be point blank combat ![]()
The new penetration weapon rules appear to be based on the new item level rules, but have no realistic regard for the listed hardness rules, for example the discription clearly says it's designed to penetrate bunkers but even the most powerful laser only has 20 penetration giving it the inability to penetrate even the basic metal of steel. Never mind advanced metals, a example is the artillery laser penetration you need a significant item level to affect even wood or plastic, rendering a simple wall capable of being able to stop all but high end weapons, is the formula wrong or in need of review as the current version is laughably ineffective as a addon ![]()
so i was looking through to find the weapons, and i was looking particularly at the artillery laser asimuth, its a tier 1 weapon (page 177), penetrating ignores hardness equal to the tier of the weapon, now i refer to the hardness table... on 410, glass, is hardness 1, with 1 hp. a weapon that does 1d10 and 1d6 burn, and the penetration cant go through even ice (hardness 3) or plastic (hardness 8) you need to get at least a tier 3 version just to get past a wall of plastic, in fact, in order for a weapon to be effective you need to buy the largest artillery laser thats level 20, which is equal to ordinary steel. adamantium is 30 so a penetrating laser is essentialy effectively a ordinary over powered flashlight vs hardness. the idea of penetrating is to take down bunkers. at the first few models it wont penetrate a wood or plastic wall. does anyone else notice this inconcistancy? thoughts? should be weapon tier x 2 or 3 imo at the least. ![]()
So i was doing some building tests, and i noted that the shuttle bays are for large only, and that escape pods take a entire expansion slot? but no rules or information on things like docking collars, boarding mechanisms, items that might be pretty critical in a roleplaying game of ship vs ship. and i dont know about you but the inability to equip a ship with at the very least a small shuttle option, or something where a player could hang a tiny craft from the exterior (like firefly or robotech or starwars) to allow tiny or even medium ships to dock and use larger ships, becuase lets face it with the current rules its at bear miniumim 52 points for a drift drive for just PCU, large frame, and drift drive, well out of the range of any player for several level, not to mention a full sized hanger is for gargantuan only, or that the shuttle bay only allows small or tiny ships, there is no midrange options for a player group to dock a fighter or 2 without a signficant investment of points, i feel like they need to expand on some of these like allowing 2 shuttle bays to be converted to hold 1 medium ship to dock.4 for a large. i mean essential you would end up with a ship shell, but realistically, docking and expanded shuttle bays. only allowing tiny shuttles on large ships. exterior docking collar rules would be nice,i mean they are making us pay a entire expansion slot for escape pods, but we cant dock a shuttle with anything smaller then a large. |