The Fifth Archdaemon

r1sefromru1n's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


TClifford wrote:

You're still keeping the cards. You are just putting the changed pic in the sleeve with them. That why you aren't marking up the originals.

Edit - I guess I could just make photo copies and then photoshop the changes into the copies....

I think this is a good idea. It's what I plan to do. Thanks for all the valuable input everyone.

When reading through the FAQ it appears that there are A LOT of cards that have significant typos on them. The FAQ is fantastic, and of course we can change the text of the cards by writing on them, or sleeving them and putting some sort of label on the sleeve, but I was just wondering if there were plans to re-print the cards that have these errors. I'd honestly rather not have to write on my cards or have to constantly consult the FAQ for these nagging typos. Other than that the game has been everything I hoped for.