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I just picked this up to work into my Skull & Shackles game (finally have a group who think they want to be pirates :) ). Is there any way to get high-res copies of the blank maps? I'd like to import them into Realm Works so I can show the players where they've been, and link all of the information they have about each location they're aware of. ![]()
Cpt_kirstov wrote: This would in turn make the AP price go up for print products as they would order less, which would put a bigger burden on the PDF subscription, raising that price. Because of the high prices, people would cancel their AP subscription, making the order number lower and raising the price for both even more. which means more people would quit, price would go up, more would quit, price would go up, ad nausium.... Vic has discussed this before. I'm already long past the point of wanting physical copies - I simply can't afford to buy a house large enough to hold all of it. The content is what holds the most value for me, so I'll cheerfully buy the digital version of products that have dropped off the "sufficiently valuable to buy physically" list. Ultimately, I expect the physical copies to go away, other then low-volume deluxe additions (for Skull & Shackles, for instance: a small treasure chest with parchment map, bag of coins, etc., to go with the leather hardbound book). There's already a price discount for buying the PDF instead of the paperback version, so I don't see the need for a Realm Works format to cost even less. I'm not certain I'd be willing to pay current paperback prices for the Realm Works version, although it would be significantly more usable then the PDF so I could probably be convinced. ![]()
Now that Wolf Lair has released the Player Edition of Realm Works, they're getting ready to move on to the content marketplace which will allow GMs to buy content for integration into their campaign. How soon can we expect Pathfinder content to be sold in this format, alongside print and PDF? I've already found the GM Edition to be extremely helpful in running Pathfinder APs, as the linking capability allows me to find related content without jumping from page to page (the ability to embed statblocks and combat notes in the relevant places speeds combat quite significantly as well). With Player View, my players can now see (and annotate) for themselves all of the information they've learned about the campaign - limited only by my ability to accurately type everything into the system. If I could buy the relevant content already entered it would make setting up new APs significantly faster and easier. It would also encourage the acquisition of more sourcebooks, as I wouldn't have to keep track of which book contains which rule - they would all be present in a single, coherent, whole. ![]()
I'd love to run the Skulls & Shackles AP that I preordered, but I find that working through Realm Works is far easier then working from either the PDF or the print version (links go directly between topics, multiple tabs open simultaneously, embedded graphics and Hero Lab statblocks for running combats, etc.) However, it's more time then I have available to enter everything into Realm Works (much less optimize for a paper-based run-through). I'd love to be able to order the completed Realm Works files and have the conversion work done for me, so I can spend what time I do have tweaking it for my players. I'd also love the excuse to order Realm Works files for Heart of the Jungle and Isles of the Shackles to help flesh things out even more - but if I can't find time to prep the physical version I definitely can't justify buying additional products that would require an even greater time commitment. For me, Realm Works files of the APs are not just a great time saver, they're also an opportunity buy extra products that I couldn't otherwise justify. ![]()
I believe everything class-related should be either always available, or have availability known in advance, because this is central to character development. It seems to me that a solution would be to use a limited-time exclusivity window for a PrC reward (say, one-quarter of the Season) so that the reward isn't that other people are unable to use purchased material, but instead bragging rights for getting to use it "first." Once the exclusivity window ends, the reward could become a cost reduction (one Skill requirement is waived, a level requirement is reduced, etc.) so that it still retains some value. Everything else could be up for grabs as an exclusive reward (unless a hard requirement for a PrC - see above). It's tautological, but rewards should be things that are desired - and that means they can't be universally available. ![]()
One question - I've finished downloading the Lite versions for the books I already own and noticed that many of them are larger then the "non-Lite" versions I already had. The Game Mastery Guide, for instance, went from 72MB to 147MB - is this intentional, and will it really help responsiveness when the source material is so much larger? Now that the files are downloaded I can't wait to start testing them and see how much better they work. ![]()
I think I'd like to see the Campaign Settings become a more integral part of the Adventure Paths, and cover some of this information. In this case, use Isles of the Shackles to present all of the character information - races common and uncommon, how the classes are viewed, etc. This information is invaluable not only to the players of the AP, but also to the GM looking to build their own campaign in the region, so flesh it out fully in the Campaign Settings book, and use the AP Player's Guide for AP-specific information such as Traits, race/class issues specific to the AP (where different from the region), and especially what archetypes are most appropriate for this specific campaign. Basically, Isles of the Shackles should be the place to go to find out about the potential for Half-Elven Bards throughout the Shackles, but the Skulls and Shackles Player's Guide is where you should look to know that Buccaneer Bards are highly appropriate for the AP. ![]()
Looking at the original question, I see three reasons why retconning that particular action should not be allowed: 1. He misjudged the distance - there is nothing to indicate that this particular character, no matter how intelligent, is a master of estimating distances (a Profession: Engineer score of 20+ should be an exception and allow retconning; there are probably a few other such edge cases). 2. The issue is that he did not expend a charge from a limited-use item - it would be perfectly reasonable and appropriate to deliberately not use the boots so as to retain their capabilities in subsequent encounter. 3. The claim is that the high-intelligence character "forgot" to use them - typically, memory is more closely related to Wisdom (and to reiterate a point above, I also know many highly-intelligent people who routinely forget items or actions directly tied to their profession). 3a. Boots of Speed aren't even directly related to the character's primary skillset - any appeal to expertise should fail automatically when said expertise does not in fact exist (this might have come up in a later example in some form). Many posts reference the example of a carpenter forgetting to use the correct end of a hammer, but a more accurate example would be the carpenter forgetting to zip his fly, and pinching himself when bending over to pick up some lumber: he's wearing pants while doing his work, but zipper jeans are not integral to carpentry work (Amish do not use zippers, only buttons). ![]()
Would it be possible to get downloadable monster / minis lists for the various modules and APs published? Knowing that a module features 5 Ghouls plus one special Ghoul in one encounter gives me an idea of what resources I'll need to gather for the best map experience for the players. Knowing that you sell a mini "Thanrock twice-cursed" tells me I can either round up 6 Ghoul models, or just get 5 plus Thanrock himself depending on how much time I have for painting. ![]()
Thanks for the list. The detail on those is stunning as always. I'd probably skip the last two (definitely initially) as they're quite specialized, but the rest are on my list of interest. Do you think
quantity list: would be adequate for most encounters, or are there some key events where I would need more? 6 Mites, 4 Serpentfolk, and 2 Trolls ![]()
Frankly, both my iPad 2 and Transformer suck when using a stock/Adobe PDF reader. Note that I'm talking specifically about using the Core Rulebook single file, rather then the individual chapters. with RepliGo Reader the Transformer does a good job, especially since it can use the bookmarks included in the files. The book is almost usable on my phone with RepliGo, although the limiting factor there is screen size, not performance. What I would personally like, is a graphic-free (or at least -very light) version of the books, with the level of linking found in the Core Rulebook. Getting rid of the graphic elements should reduce filesize and graphics load enough to make the books useable on even mid-tier devices. Anything running Windows is going to have a significant advantage, as the extra RAM allows more to be held in memory at once. More useful at times is the ability to have multiple PDFs open at once, allowing you to review concepts scattered across multiple books more easily. ![]()
I'm looking to run the Kingmaker AP once the current group I'm playing with gets far enough into Carrion Crown. Does anyone have a comprehensive list of what minis would be needed for this series, broken down by book if possible (I don't want to buy book 6 minis until after I have enough book 1 minis to get the group started). My preference would be Paizo/Reaper where possible, but I know there will be a lot of additional minis needed for the other battles. |